Yesterday was Sunday.I watched the MacWizards again.
At eight o`clock the door opened.It was Rosy.She walked the dogs and closed the door again.
Betsey cooked breakfast and the boys helped her.The weather was very bad so Betsey watched TV and the boys played computer games.
In the afternoon Rosy and the boys looked at the family portraits.I noticed something interesting.
A man in one portrait looked like Robin.In the evening Rosy and the boys discussed something.The boys explained something to Rosy.She looked surprised.
I`m going to talk to Robin.I think he knows everything.
Agent Cute.
VIII. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.
5-had to
IX. Расположите по порядку: а) предложения в которых ing- форма является причастием; б) предложения, в которых ing- фoрма является герундием.
1. Everybody ran to meet the people returning from the city. -a
2.Never jump off a moving train. -б
3. You can learn what the new words mean by looking them up on the dictionary.-а
4. The remaining cakes were given to the children -б
5. Returning home after a good holiday is always pleasant -а
6. In this factory much attention is paid to protecting the health of the workers.-б
X. Вставьте частицу to"перед инфинитивом, где необходимо. Переведитепредложения.
1. I would rather to stay at home today.- Сегодня я бы предпочел остаться дома.
2. Would you like to go to England? - Хотели бы вы поехать в Англию?
3. I wanted to speak to Nick, but could not find his telephone number. -Я хотел поговорить с Ником, но не нашла его номер.
4. It is time to get up. -Пора вставать.
5. What makes you think you are right? -Что заставляет вас думать, что вы правы?
6. I like to dance. -Я люблю танцевать.
7. I saw him enter the room.- Я видел, как он зашел в комнату.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Future forms complete the sentences with future simple. i hope he will tell me everything. 1 i’m sure he ……………… (come) at 5 o’clock. 2 i think she ………………(take)part in the competitions. 3 i hope they ……………… (stay)with us. 4 i think she ……………… (invite) us. 5 probably the browns ……………… (have) a party next week. 6 i’m sure mr jackson ………………(help) us. 7 i think she ………………(get) a good mark. 2 complete the text with will or won´t and the verb in brackets. what schools /be/ like in the future? thomas, who is 14 years old and lives in london, thinks they /be/ very different from schools today. ´children /go/ to school only one day a week, on mondays. they /work/ with pcs at school but they /have/ any homework. the teachers /be/ robots. i think the schools /be/ better places than now but the food /be/ very good. ´ 3 circle the correct answer. will or to be going to? 1 look at those black clouds. it ´ll /´s going to rain. 2 the plane´s moving. it ´ll / ´s going to take off very soon. 3 have you seen jane? she ´ll / ´s going to have a baby. 4 do you think we ´ll / ´re going to have a woman president one day? 4. complete the sentences using to be going to. 1 i ………………… (see) him later today. 2 they …………………( launch) it next month. 3 we…………………( have) lunch first. 4 she…………………( see) what she can do. 5 i…………………( talk) for very long. 6 when i retire i ………………… (go) back to barbados to live. 7 in ten years, i …………………( be) boss of my own successful company. 8 look out! that cup …………………(fall off 9 look at those black clouds. it ………………… (rain) soon.