Задай вопрос из школьного предмета 5 - 9 классыАнглийский язык 49+25 б
сочинение на тему online or in class Реклама
Попроси больше объяснений Следить Отметить нарушение Catyasachkova 20.12.2017 ответы и объяснения
ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ! NikPaschin NikPaschin Хорошист I think that learning in the classroom is always better. Because at school children conect with their classmates, teachers, friends.We can visit the library, gym, participate in contests and competitions.At school we do experiments, go on trips that can not be done online.If children learn through the computer,they forget how to communicate in real life.Also computer is bad for health. But online teaching have some advanteges. You can find information what you need in the Internet. Its improve you life.
When it is warm, I take off my coat. It is a funny situation but she looks very unhappy. An interpreter translates from one language into another. I recommend you to go to this new restaurant. City Museum closes at 5 o’clock in the evening. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. Julia is a teacher. She teaches Maths to young children. Wool comes from sheep. In Britain the banks usually open at 9.30 in the morning. Nick usually sleeps eight hours a night. The sun sets in the west. Ann and I are good friends. We have lots in common. Sue always arrives at work early. The Earth goes round the Sun. Food is very expensive in this country. It costs a lot of money. Plants need water to grow. Caterpillars turn into butterflies. My job is very interesting. I meet a lot of people. Tony is 34 and he has 73 prizes from skateboarding competitions. Shoes are very expensive. They cost a lot of money.
What will you do when далее следует любое придаточное предложение времени, но там главное, чтобы сказуемое(глагол) стояло в настоящем времени, хотя на русский язык, если в главном предложении уже сказуемое стоит в будущем времени (есть глагол will), то обе части предложения будут относиться к будущему времени. What will you do when you finish school? - Чем будешь заниматься после окончания школы? What will you do when you finish your work? - Чем будешь заниматься после окончания (своей) работы? What will you do when you finish the translation? Чем будешь заниматься после того, как закончишь перевод? What will you do when you grow up? - Чем будешь заниматься, когда подрастёшь (вырастешь)? What will you do when they come to your birthday party? Что будете делать, когда они придут к тебе на день рождения? и т.д. аналогично стройте любые другие предложения).
Задай вопрос из школьного предмета
5 - 9 классыАнглийский язык 49+25 б
сочинение на тему online or in class
Попроси больше объяснений Следить Отметить нарушение Catyasachkova 20.12.2017
ответы и объяснения
NikPaschin Хорошист
I think that learning in the classroom is always better. Because at school children conect with their classmates, teachers, friends.We can visit the library, gym, participate in contests and competitions.At school we do experiments, go on trips that can not be done online.If children learn through the computer,they forget how to communicate in real life.Also computer is bad for health. But online teaching have some advanteges. You can find information what you need in the Internet. Its improve you life.