
Напишите сочинение по на тему гарри поттер 1) сюжет, любимый момент 2) характеристика героев

Английский язык


The plot of the whole Harry Potter series is a very intricate thing with many twists and turns and mysteries. My favorite moment is the first arrival to Hogwarts. I really love the emotions of characters in this moment. 
Now I am going to write about three main characters in Harry Potter. 

Weasley is Harry Potter's best friend and ever-present sidekick. But unlike most sidekicks, Ron isn't a dumb or a simpleton, nor is he content to live in Harry's shadow. Of the three friends that make up the main cast of characters, Ron is the comic relief -- not an uncommon trait for sidekicks of his ilk -- a characteristic that makes him instantly endearing. And while he lacks Harry's natural magical talent, or Hermione's smarts, Ron overcomes his shortcomings with faithfulness and perseverance.

Hermione Granger
Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley's best girl-pal, is so much more than just a token throw-in for female readers/viewers to identify with.

Harry PotterPerhaps it's a given that Harry Potter himself tops our list, but it's important to still reflect on why the character has been so universally accepted. He's a sympathetic figure; a kid plucked from unfortunate circumstances and thrust into a magical reality. He realizes he has been gifted with great power. And then he's pitted against the ultimate evil in the wizarding world, Lord Voldemort, who years ago killed his mother and father . Everybody loves an underdog story of good vs. evil and we've watched Harry grow up in this fantastic setting -- forming friendships, fighting foes, and finding love.
Yekaterina Oksyuta1657
1.You will miss the train if you don`t take a taxi.
2. I won`t go away till you come back .
3.I`d like to know when your sister comes back to Leningrad .
4. I would like to know the day your sister comes back to Leningrad .
5. I was not sure if he would be at the meeting, but if he comes he will debate.
6. While the ladies are at their rooms, I will come downstairs and try to get you something to eat.

1. When I find Olya and bring her here, I will call you.
2. When I  find Olya and bring her here, I won`t go away, until  I get her address.
3. When I find Olya and bring her here, I will marry her when I`m twenty three at that.
4. When I find Olya and bring her here and if you kill me, I won`t miss.
5. When I find Olya and bring her here, I don`t know whether I can explain to you how it works. 
Ну это легко 
                                                                 День рождение!
Мой любимый праздник день рожденье. Я люблю когда мне дарят подарки. Мне всегда хочется узнать что там в этом подарке.Если там полезное для дома или для семье то я люблю такие подарки.Но если что то скучное мне приятно но иногда скучное настроение и думаешь что зачем мне это вообще подарили.еще люблю тортик и все что на столе всегда что то вкусненькое.Но не у всех что то вкусненькое.ну и приятно когда меня поздравляют. Извините

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