
Перевести стихотворение, с рифмой: i've watched you now a full half-hour, self-poised upon that yellow flower; and, little butterfly! indeed i know not if you sleep or feed. how motionless! – not- frozen seas more motionless! and then what joy awaits you, when the breeze hath found you out among the trees, and calls you forth again! this plot of orchard-ground is ours; my trees they are, my sister's flowers; here rest your wings when they are weary; here lodge as in a sanctuary! come often to us, fear no wrong; sit near us on the bough! we'll talk of sunshine and of song, and summer days, when we were young; sweet childish days, that were as long as twenty days are now.

Английский язык


Над желтым наклонясь цветком,
Тобой, малюткой - мотыльком.
Я любовался и не знал,
Нектар вкушал ты или спал.
И был ты неподвижней вод
объятых льдом морей.
Счастливым будет ли полет,
Когда внезапный ветер найдет
тебя среди ветвей ?
Останься с нами! Мы с сестрой
Тебе подарим садик свой.
Здесь отдохнут твои крыла.
Тебе не причиним мы зла!
Будь гостем нашим дорогим
присядь на куст близ нас
О детских днях поговорим. 
Их летний свет неповторим
И каждый долгим был  -таким
как двадцать дней  сейчас.
- Hi, Pete! 
- Hello!
- What's the matter? You look so tired...
- I helped my grandfather in the garden yesterday and today I'm afraid I've got a cold. My throat is sore and I have an awful headache. 
-Why don't you go to the polyclinic? The doctor will help you.
- I'm going to be OK soon, don't worry. 
- Your cheeks are red, you must have a high temperature too. You can't go to school with a cold. What if you get complications?
- I won't. 
-Look. You really should go to the doctor. She will prescribe pills for your throat and drops for your nose. You should also take some medicine which will reduce your high temperature to normal. 
- I know. But the doctor will tell me to stay in bed and don't go anywhere. And I don't want to miss our trip to the museum...
- But if you don't get well, you won't be able to go with us. The teacher won't let you go. You still have time to go to the polyclinic. Go and they will help you to get well very soon. And then you will go on the trip with us! 
-Maybe you are right. OK, I will go to the polyclinic. 
Я хочу рассказать тебе о своей новой школе. Здесь много интересных предметов и кружков. Я выбрал Школу английского театра. Вспомни,в Лондоне у нас были уроки театрального искусства. В моей русской школе нет такого,но есть кружок английского театра. В этом месяце мы ставим "Тома Сойера" Марка Твена. Наш постановщик,а по совместительству наш учитель английского,попросил меня играть роль Тома Сойера! Это реально классно! По началу я немного волновался. Но после нескольких репетиций всё устаканилось. Я больше не застенчив. Я знаю что значит "настоящий актёр",а мой учитель мне играть профессионально. 
Как ты? Как наши одноклассники и учителя? Напиши и расскажи мне об этом. 
С наилучшими пожеланиями,

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Перевести стихотворение, с рифмой: i've watched you now a full half-hour, self-poised upon that yellow flower; and, little butterfly! indeed i know not if you sleep or feed. how motionless! – not- frozen seas more motionless! and then what joy awaits you, when the breeze hath found you out among the trees, and calls you forth again! this plot of orchard-ground is ours; my trees they are, my sister's flowers; here rest your wings when they are weary; here lodge as in a sanctuary! come often to us, fear no wrong; sit near us on the bough! we'll talk of sunshine and of song, and summer days, when we were young; sweet childish days, that were as long as twenty days are now.
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