
Время на 8: 20 7: 40 5: 30 2: 25 3: 35

Английский язык


Eight hours twenty minutes;
seven hours and forty minutes;
five hours and thirty minutes;
two hours twenty five minutes;
three hours thirty five minutes.
Once there used to be in the world a poor widow, and she had only one son, Jack, and a cow Belyanka. But once Belyanka not give milk, and they just do not know what to do.
- How can we be? - He repeated the mother, wringing her hands.
- Cheer up, Mom! - Jack said. - I will hire someone to work.
- Yes, you're really trying to be hired, but no one will take - the mother replied. - No, it is clear we have to sell our Belyanko and used the money to open a shop or some other thing to do.
- Well, well, my mother - Jack agreed. - Today is just a market day, and I vividly selling Belyanko. And then we'll decide what to do.
So Jack took the reins and led the cow to the market. But I did not have time to move away as he met with some wonderful old man.
- Good morning, Jack! - Said the old man.
- Good morning to you too! - Jack said, and he wonders where the old man knows what his name is?
- Well, Jack, where the way you hold? - Asked the old man.
- At the bazaar, to sell the cow.
- So-so! To sell the cows and how is not for you! - The old man laughed. - And Tell me how many beans you need to get five?
- Exactly two in each hand, but one in your mouth! - Jack said he was not a fool.
- Right! - Said the old man. - Look, here they are, the best beans! - And the old man pulled out a handful of some strange beans. - And now that you're so clever, - continued the old man, - I do not mind you change - you beans, my cow!
- Go-ka you my dear! - Jack angry. - That's better be!
- Uh, yes you do not know what kind of beans, - said the old man. - Plant them in the evening and in the morning they will grow up to the sky.
- Yah? True? - Jack was surprised.
- Very true! And if not - zaberesh his cow back.
- Okay! - Jack said: Belyanko gave the old man, and the beans are placed in a pocket.
Jack turned back and came home early - not yet dark.
- How! You've come back, Jack? - He surprised his mother. - I see Belyanko you do not, then you sold it? How much do you give for it?
- You'll never guess, my mother! - Jack said.
- Yah? Oh my good! Five pounds? Ten? Fifteen? Well, it's twenty-something would not give!
- I said - you can not guess! What you say here about these beans? They're magic. Plant them in the evening and ...
- What?! - Jack's mother cried. - Yes it really you are so fool a fool, a donkey that gave my Belyanko, most dairy cow in the neighborhood, and besides, a smooth, well-fed, for a handful of some nasty beans? It is for you! It is for you! It is for you! And your precious beans - get them out of the window .. Well, now alive to sleep! And there do not ask - still not received any sip, a bite!
So Jack went up to his attic, in a small room, a sad-pregrustny: and his mother was sorry, and he was left without dinner.
Finally, he is still asleep.
And when I woke up, I could hardly recognize her room. The sun lit up only one corner, and around it was dark-dark.
Jack jumped out of bed, dressed, and went to the window. And what did he see? Yes, something like a large tree. And this is his beans sprouted. Mother Jack evening threw them out the window into the garden, they have sprouted, and a huge stalk all stretched and stretched up and up until it rose to the sky. It turns out, the old man spoke some truth!
Beanstalk grew up right next to the window Dzhekova. Here, Jack opened the window and jumped on the stem and climbed up the stairs like. And I climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, and climbed, until finally, he reached up to the sky. There he saw a long and wide road, straight as an arrow. I went down this road, and all walked and walked and walked until he came to a huge, enormously tall house. And the threshold of the house stood a huge, enormous very tall woman.
Одна из главных бед наших в - это неправильное употребление времен глаголов. привожу здесь даже полезное пособие. после двух прочтений насмерть запоминается. система времен с точки зрения употребления глагола “to vodka” 1. во-первых, необходимо уяснить, что в этом языке существуют глаголы: 1.1. неопределенные (indefinite), т. е. неизвестно, пьешь ты или нет, 1.2. длительные (continuous), т. е. ты давно и продолжаешь, 1.3. завершенные (perfect), т. е. ты либо вышел из запоя, либо уже окончательно напился и вырубился. 2. во-вторых, существует объективное: 2.1. настоящее (present) - ваше отношение к спиртному, 2.2. прошлое (past) - темное или светлое, 2.3. будущее (future) – то, что нам светит: цирроз, белая горячка и т. д. 3. теперь все смешиваем. 3.1. present: 3.1.1. present indefinite (настоящее неопределенное) , см. выше. i vodka every day. - я пью водку каждый день. вместо every day можно употреблять выражения: usually, seldom, often, from time to time, from melkaya posuda, bolshimi glotkami… 3.1.2. present continuous (настоящее длительное) : i am vodking now. – я пью водку сейчас. для эмфатического усиления с этим временем можно употреблять наречия: he is constantly vodking! – он постоянно поддатый! 3.1.3. present perfect (настоящее завершенное) : i have already vodked. - я уже нажрамшись. (в ответ на предложение выпить) 3.1.4. present perfect continuous (настоящее завершенно-продолженное) : i have been vodking since childhood. - я пью водку с детства (тип inclusive). - я пил водку с детства, но уже не пью (тип exclusive). 3.2. past : 3.2.1. past indefinite (прошедшее неопределенное) : i vodked yesterday. - я напился вчера. (не путать со временем 3.1.3., там ты напился только что) . 3.2.2. past continuous (прошедшее длительное) : часто употребляется, как придаточное предложение к главному во времени 3.2.1 - unfortunately, i was vodking at the moment my wife came. - к несчастью, я пил водку в тот момент, когда пришла жена. 3.2.3. past perfect (прошедшее завершенное) : также употребляется, как придаточное. - i had already vodked when my wife came. - я уже упился, когда вошла жена. 3.2.4. past perfect continuous (прошедшее звершенно-продолженное) : - i had been vodking for about a month when my wife came. - я пил водку уже около месяца, когда вошла моя жена. 3.3. future : 3.3.1. future indefinite (будущее неопределенное) : i will vodka tomorrow. - я буду пить водку завтра. примечание: в придаточных предложениях времени и условия (т. е. при отсутствии подходящего времени и условий) вместо времени 3.3.1. употребляется время 3.1.1.: - if i vodka tomorrow i will be sick the day after tomorrow. - если я выпью завтра, я буду болеть послезавтра. 3.3.2. future continuous (будущее длительное) : i will be vodking tomorrow at 5. - я буду заниматься употреблением горячительных напитков завтра в 5. примечание: при горячем желании опохмелиться вместо времени 3.3.1. можно употреблять время 3.3.2. : - soon! soon i will be vodking! - скоро! скоро я буду пить водку! 3.3.3. future perfect (будущее завершенное) : употребляется при планировании состояния опьянения - to morrow by 5 o’clock i will have vodked. - завтра к пяти я буду нажрамшись. 3.3.4. future perfect continuous (будущее завершенно-длительное) : - by to morrow morning i will have been vodking for a week. - к завтрашнему утру я буду пить водку неделю

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Время на 8: 20 7: 40 5: 30 2: 25 3: 35
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