
30 .нужен рассказ о настольной игре(любая кроме cluedo , scrabble, monopoly) на с переводом

Английский язык


Chess is an indoor competitive game played between two players. It is being played in tournaments, online or at home. The origin of chess is traced to India, approximately to the 6th century. The military had four divisions known as "infantry", "cavalry", "elephant" and "chariot". These names are represented in the chess game as: pawn, knight, bishop and the rook respectively. In the 9th century, the game was introduced to Western Europe and Russia.

The chess board is made up of 64 squares (eight rows and eight columns) and the colors of the squares alternate (dark and light squares). The pieces which are comprised of a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns are in sets black and white. To start the game, white moves first. The pieces are moved one at a time to an occupied square by an opponent"s piece, thereby removing it from play or to a square that is not occupied. However, two pieces are moved simultaneously when castling.

перевод:Шахматы - соревновательная игра между двумя игроками в помещении. Она проводится на турнирах, в Интернете или дома. Происхождение шахмат прослеживается в Индии, примерно в 6-м веке. У то время было четыре военных подразделения известных как "пехота", "кавалерия", "слоны" и "колесницы". Эти названия представлены в шахматной игре как: пешки, кони, слоны и ладьи соответственно. В 9-м веке игра была введена в Западной Европе и России.

Шахматная доска состоит из 64 квадратов (восемь строк и восемь столбцов) и цвета квадратов меняются (черные и белые квадраты). Фигуры состоят из короля, ферзя, две ладьи, два слона, два коня и восемь пешек, соответсвенно черных и белых. Чтобы начать игру, белые ходят первыми. Фигуры перемещаются по одному на оккупированных площади оппонента, тем самым удаляя его из игры, или по квадратам, которые не заняты. Две фигуры перемещаются одновременно при рокировке.

I haven't seen him for ages.

He has been doing his lessons since lunch.

I haven't heard about him for a long time.

I have been driving since I was 17.

Jack has failed his driving test three times because he doesn't know how to park.

I think he has made a lot of improvement.

Alice hasn't passed her driving test because she doesn’t know the rules well.

She has been worrying about this for two months.

She has been studying the driver’s manual for hours every day.

She hasn't taken another test yet.

I have had a headache since I got up.

He is my friend, I have known him for a long time.

Ivan has a stomachacke. He has been eating junk food all day.

I have never heard that song before.



1. He saw his relatives OFF at the bus stop

2. This is the LATEST film of famous director that I have seen

3. The house was situated in the FARTHER corner of the garden

4. Books are usually made FROM paper

5. Omelette is made FROM eggs

6. I can’t put OFF my business trip until the next week.

7. She is late very often. We always have to wait OF HER.

8.Beautiful flowers ARE GROWN in the garden by Mrs. Barker.

9.The music sounds very LOUDLY.

10. Jenny complained that she HAS NEVER BEEN to Lisbon.


11. Some people says the politic situation in the world is getting worse and worse.

12. Which is your favourite entertain?

13. This politician doesn’t have enough wises.

14. What games did you played in your child?

15. Mike visits regular his grandparents

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30 .нужен рассказ о настольной игре(любая кроме cluedo , scrabble, monopoly) на с переводом
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