Yesterday was a busy day for me. In the morning I didn't watch TV and I didn't listen to music. I helped my mother and my father with the housework. I tidied my room and I cleaned the bathroom. Then it was time to go shopping. We wanted to take the bus to the shops, but the bus didn't stop for us. So, we walked all the way to the shops. We shopped for two hours. On the way home, I carried a heavy shopping bag. We didn't walk by home. This time we didn't miss the bus. We arrived back home at four o'clock. I was very tired. What a day!
Вчера был напряженный день для меня. Утром я не смотрел телевизор, и я не слушал музыку. Я маме и отцу по дому. Я прибрал свою комнату, и я убрал ванную. Тогда пришло время ходить по магазинам. Мы хотели сесть на автобус до магазинов, но автобус не остановился для нас. Итак, мы весь путь до магазинов. Мы покупали в течение двух часов. По дороге домой я достал тяжелую сумку. Мы не ходили домой. На этот раз мы не пропустили автобус. Мы вернулись домой в четыре часа. Я очень устал. Что за день!
Привет, Меня зовут Маргарет Баркер.Моя семья не очень большая.У меня есть муж и двое детей-Джон,мой сын,и Салли,моя дочь.Нью-Йорк муж Ричард-врач.Я школьный учитель.Я тоже преподаю.Теперь она может играть на пианино.Салли очень хорошо поет и любит петь.Мне нравится слушать ее песни.Она часто поет вместе со своими школьными друзьями.Я преподаю в школе два дня в неделю,вторник и четверг.Иногда на выходных мы все ходим в кино. Мы любим смотреть интересные фильмы.Но обычно мы вместе в нашем доме и смотреть телевизор.У них много интересного запрограммировано на телевидении.Мои дети тоже часто играют в компьютерные игры.Мой муж работает пять или шесть дней в неделю.Но в воскресенье он нас всегда со своей семьей.Мы очень хорошие друзья.
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Переведите грамотно! by 1592, there is evidence william shakespeare earned a living as an actor and a playwright in london and possibly had several plays produced. the september 20, 1592 edition of the stationers' register (a guild publication) includes an article by london playwright robert greene that takes a few jabs at william shakespeare: " is an upstart crow, beautified with our feathers, that with his tiger's heart wrapped in a player's hide, supposes he is as well able to bombast out a blank verse as the best of you: and being an absolute johannes factotum, is in his own conceit the only shake-scene in a country, " greene wrote of shakespeare. scholars differ on the interpretation of this criticism, but most agree that it was greene's way of saying shakespeare was reaching above his rank, trying to match better known and educated playwrights like christopher marlowe, thomas nashe or greene himself. by the early 1590s, documents show william shakespeare was a managing partner in the lord chamberlain's men, an acting company in london. after the crowning of king james i, in 1603, the company changed its name to the king's men. from all accounts, the king's men company was very popular, and records show that shakespeare had works published and sold as popular literature. the theatre culture in 16th-century england was not highly admired by people of high rank. however, many of the nobility were good patrons of the performing arts and friends of the actors. early in his career, shakespeare was able to attract the attention of henry wriothesley, the earl of southampton, to whom he dedicated his first- and second-published poems: venus and adonis (1593) and the rape of lucrece (1594 by 1597, 15 of the 37 plays written by william shakespeare were published. civil records show that at this time he purchased the second largest house in stratford, called new place, for his family. it was a four-day ride by horse from stratford to london, so it is believed that shakespeare spent most of his time in the city writing and acting and came home once a year during the 40-day lenten period, when the theatres were closed. by 1599, william shakespeare and his business partners built their own theatre on the south bank of the thames river, which they called the globe. in 1605, shakespeare purchased leases of real estate near stratford for 440 pounds, which doubled in value and earned him 60 pounds a year. this made him an entrepreneur as well as an artist, and scholars believe these investments gave him the time to write his plays uninterrupted. writing style. william shakespeare's early plays were written in the conventional style of the day, with elaborate metaphors and rhetorical phrases that did not always align naturally with the story's plot or characters. however, shakespeare was very innovative, adapting the traditional style to his own purposes and creating a freer flow of words.