Apple - яблоко, Alphabet - алфавит, Armchair - кресло
Bubble - пузырь, Boy - мальчик, Bed - кровать
Cat - кот, Chair - стул, Children - дети
Dog - собака, Doll - кукла, Deer - олень
Egg - яйцо, Eagle - орёл, Elephant - слон
Family - семья, fridge - холодильник, France - Франция
Girl - девочка, goal - цель, Galaxy - галактика
Honey - мёд, honor - честь, hope - надежда
ice-cream - мороженое, ice - лёд, Italy - Италия
juice - сок, jungle - джунгли, jeep - джип
key - ключ, kitchen - кухня, kite - воздушный змей
Lion - лев, line- линия, light - свет
mother - мама, map - карта, mark - оценка
nest - гнездо, nut - орех, name - имя
ox - бык, oxygen - кислород, operator - оператор
present - подарок, parrot - попугай, pin - булавка
queen - королева, question - вопрос, quiet - тишина
rainbow - радуга, rain - дождь, rabbit - кролик
star - звезда, sister - сестра, sometimes - иногда
tiger - тигр, Taiga - Тайга, trainers - кроссовки
umbrella - зонтик, unicorn - единорог, uncle - дядя
vase - ваза, vegetable - овощ, violin - скрипка
whale - кит, wolf - волк, winter - зима
xylophone - ксилофон, X-rays - рентген, X-mas - Рождество
yellow - жёлтый, yacht - яхта, yak - як
zoo - зоопарк, zebra - зебра, zero - ноль
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Плз решить vocabulary exercises exercise 1 change the sentences according to the model. model: when did they want to reimburse for our expenses? (i don't remember i don't remember when they wanted to reimburse for our expenses. 1. how will you get a raise? (they don't care). 2. when did they send you the purchase order? (i don't know). 3. who are the purchasing agents? (i can't recall). 4. why didn't they get verbal agreement? (i'll try to find out). 5. did they staple and file the p.o.? (i don't know). 6. how large is the sales region? (they don't care). 7. how much is the toll? (it doesn't matter). 8. when will she get commission? (she doesn't know).
2. I don't know when they sent me the purchase order.
3. I can't recall who the purchasing agents are.
4. I'll try to find out why they didn't get verbal agreement.
5. I don't know if they stapled and file the p.o.
6. They don't care how large the sales region is.
7. It doesn't matter how much the toll is.
8. She doesn't know when she will get commission.