If I was kidnapped by aliens, I would be very surprised, first of all. The second thing I would probably do would be trying to find the way to communicate, suitable for all of us. It could be a sign-language or something like it. Thirdly, I am a curious person, so I would be asking them about their star and the planet where they came from and their anatomical structure and even their food ration. I would certainly ask them is 'Star Wars' movies showed the real events and whether they know any Jedi. It would be a great experience, I reckon!
When was George Washington born? 2. Did Washington take part in the war? 3. Whay did the British government decide in 1765? 4. About what were the colonists angry? What didn't the colonists want to agree to? 5. What did the Bostonians decide when in 1773 British ships loaded with tea came into Boston Harbour? 6. Who opened the boxes of tea and emptied them into the harbour? 7. What event was called the Boston Tea Party? 8. Washington enjoyed a peaceful life as a landowner, didn't he? 9. Was George Washington a leader of Virginia's or Texas' opposition to British colonial polices? 10. What happened in 1789?