I play with my family every sunday. I am doing my homework now.
Звичайно в мене немає вільного часу в будень, тому я з нетерпінням чекаю вихідних. У вихідний мені не потрібно нікуди квапитися. Я можу робити, що хочу. У вихідний я просипаюся пізніше звичайного, близько 10 години. Я не відразу встаю. Я люблю полежати в ліжку трохи і подумати про що-небудь приємне. Потім я встаю і снідаю. У такі дні я люблю з’їсти на сніданок що-небудь особливе. Після обіду я звичайно граю в футбол чи баскетбол із друзями. У гарну погоду ми часто їздимо за місто. Ми знаходимо гарне місце і загоряємо, і граємо в різні ігри влітку чи катаємося на лижах узимку. Увечері я люблю почитати, послухати музику чи зіграти в шахи зі своїм батьком. I usually have no free time on weekdays that’s why I look forward to my days off. On a day off I don’t have to hurry anywhere. I can do whatever I like. On a day off I wake up later than usual, at about 10 o’clock. I don’t get up at once. I like to stay in bed for a while and think about something nice. Then I get up and have breakfast. I like to have something special for breakfast on such days. In the afternoon I usually play football or basketball with my friends. In fine weather we often go to the country. We find a nice place and sunbathe and play different games in summer or go skiing in winter. In the evening I like to read, listen to the music or play chess with my father.
Dear..., It was great to get your letter. I'm really sorry that I couldn't answer earlier. My grandma is much better now, so I hope that soon I'll come back home. If the doctor lets her stay alone, I'll come back on Monday. It was so pleasant to hear that you all are missing me. I'm missing you, too. It's nice that you are taking karate classes, but as for me I don't find this sport very attractive. I'm really sorry but I don't think I will do karate with you. You know, I prefer less active kind of sport. Playing chess for example. I think we can discuss it when I come back. My grandmother sends her love to you. Hope to see you soon. подпись(своё имя)
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I am doing my homework now.