
Скласти питання по анг мові за цим реченням i stood next to them and rob took a photograph

Английский язык


What took Rob? Вот предложение
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. Holiday name means "sacred" or "Holy evening", because it is the eve of All Saints Day.He said that Halloween is the eve of the New Year. They dress up in special costumes, they eat too much and too late to celebrate.The children go around the city to wear makeup, and dressed in masks and colorful costumes. The most common costumes of witches, ghosts, skeletons, and popular TV, movie and book characters. Some costumes homemade, others buy in stores. Children go from door to door saying "trick or treat." People give them candy, cookies, fruit or money. Sometimes collect money to help UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).Houses, shops, and classrooms are decorated in traditional Halloween colors, orange and black. Usually jewelry witches, black cats, ghosts, skeletons and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns from pumpkins carved to look like a face. They are placed on doors and windows, horror movies and Ghost stories shown on TV in this day.

the alien slowly started to move forward,glaring at the people on board. he raised his hand and slightly tipped it forward. compartments opened up in the side of the ship and cannons slid out. only then people noticed. panic went like wave through the ship. the captain of the ship was shouting orders. but it was too late. the cannons shot,paralyzing the ship. then, a giant metal tube shot out of the alien ship and clung to its side. saws sliced through the ship's armor like through paper. within minutes the tube was inside the human ship. a gas shot of out of the tube. before kyle knew it, he was on the floor. everything went black..

пришелец медленно двинулся вперед, глядя на людей на борту. он поднял руку и слегка наклонил ее вперед. в борту корабля открылись отсеки, и из них выскользнули пушки. только тогда люди заметили. паника прокатилась по кораблю волной. капитан корабля выкрикивал приказы. но было уже слишком поздно. пушки выстрелили, парализовав корабль. затем гигантская металлическая труба вылетела из корабля пришельцев и вцепилась в его борт. пилы разрезали броню корабля, как бумагу. через несколько минут трубка оказалась внутри человеческого корабля. газовый выстрел из трубы. не успел кайл опомниться, как оказался на полу. все стало черным..

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Скласти питання по анг мові за цим реченням i stood next to them and rob took a photograph
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