
What time did you get up yesterday? what time did you go to the bathroom? what time did you did you have breakfast? what time did you go to school? what time did you have lunch? what time did you come from school? what time did you do your homework? what time did you have dinner? what time did you go to bed? ответьте

Английский язык


Васильевна Владимирович
I got up at 7 o' clock yesterday. I went to the bathroom at  7.15. I had my breakfast at 7.30. I went to school at 7.45. I had lunch at midday. I came from school at 3 p.m. I did my homework at 5p.m. I had dinner at 6 p.m. I went to bed at 10 p.m.
My girlfriend called Vlada.Ey 10 years, she has a very nice person very sympathetic friend. We had been friends since the first grade. She helped me with english and I told her we doseh then once we're friends in different classes but we have nothing rozluchyaet!
Мою подругу зовут Влада. Ей 10 лет она очень хороший человек очень отзывчивая подруга. Мы с ней дружим с первого класса. Она мне с Англиской а я ей мы и до сех пор дружим только мы в разных уже классах но нас ничего не розлучяет!My friend is Ivan. Him 17. We are familiar since the childhood.
We have general interests such as computers, music and photos.
We like to walk together.
At school we always share the same desk.
My friend kind, sympathetic, sincere, hardworking.

Моего друга зовут Иван. Ему 17 лет. Мы знакомы с детства.
У нас есть общие интересы такие как компьютеры, музыка и фотографии.
Мы любим вместе гулять.
В школе мы всегда сидим за одной партой.
Мой друг добрый, отзывчивый, искренний, трудолюбивый.
Для первых трех в отрицательно надо поставить после is/are поставить not, а для вопросительных перенести эти is/are на первое место.
Например: They are not wearing new shoes.
Are they wearing new shoes?

3-6 - это предложения во времени Past simple. В этом времени вс глагол, при которого образуют отрицание и вопрос, это did.
При использовании did глагол ставится в 1 форму
I went to the cinema two days ago.
I did not go to the cinema two days ago.
Did I go to the cinema two days ago?

My mom bought a nice dress yesterday.
My mom did not buy a nice dress yesterday.
Did my mom buy a nice dress yesterday?

My best friend read a good book last year.
My best friend did not read a good book last year. (У глагола read совпадает написание форм)
Did my best friend read a good book last year?

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What time did you get up yesterday? what time did you go to the bathroom? what time did you did you have breakfast? what time did you go to school? what time did you have lunch? what time did you come from school? what time did you do your homework? what time did you have dinner? what time did you go to bed? ответьте
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