В начале произведения перед нами предстает робкая, несмелая девушка, о которой мать говорит, что она трусиха. Бесприданница, у которой только и есть, что частый гребень, да веник, да алтын денег.
Со временем читателям открывается характер Марьи Ивановны благоразумной и чувствительной, девушки. Она на глубокую и искреннюю любовь, но врожденное благородство не позволяет ей поступиться принципами. Она готова отказаться от личного счастья, потому что нет на него благословения родителей. Нет, Петр Андреич, отвечала Маша, я не выйду за тебя без благословения твоих родителей. Без их благословения не будет тебе счастья. Покоримся воле Божией.
Но резко меняется окружающая жизнь, приходят в крепость мятежники злодея Пугачева, меняется и положение Маши. Из дочери капитана она становится пленницей Швабрина. Казалось бы, что слабая и робкая девушка должна подчиниться воле своего мучителя. Но Маша проявляет здесь черты, до сих пор жившие в ней подспудно. Она готова умереть, лишь бы не стать женой Алексея Ивановича Пугачевым и Гриневым, Марья Ивановна постепенно обретает утраченное равновесие.
Но вот новое испытание: Гринев попадает под суд как изменник. Доказать его невиновность может лишь она. Марья Ивановна находит в себе силы и решимость ехать ко двору императрицы искать защиту. Теперь в этих хрупких руках судьба любимого, залог будущего счастья. И мы видим, что в этой девушке достало решительности, находчивости и ума, чтобы Гринева, восстановить справедливость.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Расставить по временам 1. before john (to start) for london he (to come) to my place to say good-bye. 2. you ( to invite) tom to our party when you ( to see) him? 3. your granny ( to be amazed) when you ( to see ) the view. 4. i ( to catch) the train if i (to take) a taxi? 5. you ( not to go) until i (to know) the truth. 6. you ( to phone) me as soon as you arrive in london? 7. if ann ( to look after) the luggage, i (to buy) the tickets. 8. what he ( to do) if he ( to fail) his exam? 9. you ( to have) a bicycle of your own when you (to be) older. 10. if a beggar ( to ask) you for money, you (to give) him any? 11. what you ( to do) when you (to graduate from) your university? 12. let’s go to the cafe when the concert ( to be over 13. i hope we ( to see) before you (to leave). 14. you ( to forgive) tom if he ( to apologize) to you? 15. stay at home until your husband ( to return). give him the note as soon as he (to come). 16. what you ( to do) if you ( to want; to hire) a taxi? 17. if i (to meet) mary today i ( to speak) to her. 18. the child ( not to improve) unless his elder brother ( to set) him a good example. 19. you ( must; to help) him if he ( to be) in trouble. 20. henry ( to be busy ) when we ( to return) home? 21. i ( not to go) to the party unless you ( to come) with me. 22. you ( can; to play) the piano if you (to like). 23. the boy ( to complain) if i ( to punish) him? 24. don’t get off the bus until it ( to stop). 25. you ( can; to do) this work if he ( to fail) you? 26. i ( not to express) an opinion until i ( to know) the facts. 27. if he ( to make) another attempt, he ( to succeed)? 28. the river ( not to begin; to rise) until some rain ( to fall). 29. i ( to write) to you when i ( to leave) england. 30. as soon as henry ( to spend) that money he ( to try; to borrow) some more. 31. we ( to go) to the country tomorrow if the weather ( to be) fine? 32. the train (not can; to move) until the the snow (to fall). 33. if you (to take) more interest in the language you ( to succeed). 34. don’t leave the house until you ( to wash) your face. 35. what you ( to do) if your children ( to behave) badly? 36. when john ( to grow ) a beard, even his closest friends ( not to recognize) him. 37. you ( to go) with us to the zoo tomorrow if you ( to be) a good boy. 38. you ( to help) me if i ( to need) you? 39. if you ( to leave) the letter on the table, my sister ( to post) it for you. 40. what you (to do) if you ( not to share) your companion’s opinion?
2. Did you ( invite) Tom to our party when you (saw) him?
3. Your granny (was amazed) when she (saw) the view.
4. Shall I catch) the train if I (take) a taxi?
5. You (will not go) until I ( know) the truth.
6. Will you ( phone) me as soon as you arrive in London?
7. If Ann ( looks after) the luggage, I (will buy) the tickets.
8. What will he ( do) if he ( fails) his exam?
9. You (will have) a bicycle of your own when you (are) older.
10. If a beggar ( asks) you for money, will you ( give) him any?
11. What will you ( do) when you ( graduate from) your University?
12. Let’s go to the cafe when the concert ( is be over).
13. I hope we (will see) before you ( leave).
14. Will you ( forgive) Tom if he ( apologizes) to you?
15. Stay at home until your husband ( returns). Give him the note as soon as he ( comes).
16. What will you ( do) if you ( want to hire) a taxi?
17. If I ( meet) Mary today I ( will speak) to her.
18. The child (will not improve) unless his elder brother ( sets) him a good example.
19. You ( must help) him if he ( is) in trouble.
20. Will Henry ( be busy ) when we ( returns) home?
21. I (will not go) to the party unless you ( come) with me.
22. You ( can play) the piano if you ( like).
23. Will the boy ( complain) if I ( punish) him?
24. Don’t get off the bus until it ( stops).
25. Can you ( do) this work If he ( fails) you?
26. I (will not express) an opinion until I ( know) the facts.
27. If he ( makes) another attempt, will he ( succeed)?
28. The river (will not begin to rise) until some rain ( falls).
29. I ( will write) to you when I ( leave) England.
30. As soon as Henry ( spends) that money He ( try to borrow) some more.
31. Will we ( go) to the country tomorrow if the weather ( is) fine?
32. The train (will not be able to move) until the the snow ( falls).
33. If you ( take) more interest in the language you (will succeed).
34. Don’t leave the house until you ( wash) your face.
35. What will you ( do) if your children ( behave) badly?
36. When John (grows ) a beard, even his closest friends (will not recognize) him.
37. You (will go) with us to the ZOO tomorrow if you ( are) a good boy.
38. Will you ( help) me if I (need) you?
39. If you ( leave) the letter on the table, my sister (will post) it for you.
40. What will you (o do) if you (do not share) your companion’s opinion?