1. Sally said she was planning to go to Kenya.
2. Anthon said he took his little sister to school every day.
3. Nonna said I might take her textbook.
4. Nick said they were playing in the gym that moment.
5. Mary said she didn't like chocolate.
6. Helen said her sister was ready to go.
7. The girl said her mother usually went shopping on Saturday.
8. The teacher said the birds built their nests among the trees.
9. Jimmy said he wasn't married.
10. Petra said she couldn't read those books. She didn't like them.
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Оксфорд интернациональный, очень старый и очаровательный. Это город, который вырос возле реки Темзы.
Оксфорд интернациональный, потому что люди из многих уголков мира приезжают учиться в его университет. Оксфорд старый и исторический. Университет был основан в 1249 году.
Вы видите очарование Оксфорда в зеленых полях и парках, в реке Темзе и ее потоках, которые проходят
недалеко от города.
Теперь вы понимаете, что название Оксфорд означает ту часть реки Темзы, где образуются волы.
ВО что такое Оксфорд?
чем он знаменит?
разве он старый?
почему туда приезжают учится?
Надеюсь не очень поняла задание не отмечай как нарушение!!!
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Написать эссе на тему как улучшить парк в своем городе
If I was allowed to make parks in our town better, I would have destroyed those those garbage cans and replaced them with recycle garbage cans (27). Also I would love to place more benches. Also mostly all parks are really dirty and usually all garbage cans are full, so because of that I can't throw out my garbage. There has to be more cleaners that don't listen to music all the time except working (49).
I would like parks to have more playgrounds so that children don't run around the street.
If that happens parks would be more like quit places where you can relax with fresh air.(27)
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