
Напишите как читается текст по аглискому буквам about 90 per cent of all children in the usa attend state or public schools where education is free. in other words 43 million pupils and students go to public schools and another 6 million are in private schools. in private schools parents have to pay for their children’s education. most of the private schools have religious education, too. the relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly. in american public schools students wear whatever they want. students can choose the subjects they want to study. they often take part in non-academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio. americans think that each person should achieve all that he or she can. but some americans believe that the quality' of education is going down. they think that the number of basic subjects is few, students watch too much tv and do too little homework

Английский язык


Эˈбaут 90 пё сент ов ол ˈчилдрэн ин зэю-ес-ей эˈтенд стейт о ˈпаблик скулз уээр ˌедьюˈкейшэн из фри. ин ˈазэ уёдз 43 ˈмильэнˈпьюплз энд ˈстьюдэнтс гоу ту ˈпаблик скулзэнд эˈназэ 6 ˈмильэн ар ин ˈпрайвит скулз. 
ин ˈпрайвит скулз ˈпеэрэнтс хэв ту пей фозеэ ˈчилдрэнз ˌедьюˈкейшэн. моуст ов зэˈпрайвит скулз хэв риˈлиджэсˌедьюˈкейшэн, ту. 
зэ риˈлейшэнз биˈтуин ˈстьюдэнтс энд ˈтичэзин стейт скулз а ˌдемэˈкрэтик эндˈфрендли. ин эˈмерикэн ˈпаблик скулзˈстьюдэнтс уээ уотˈевэ зей уонт. 
ˈстьюдэнтс кэн чуз зэ ˈсабджиктс зей уонт туˈстади. зей ˈофэн тейк пат ин нон-ˌэкэˈдемикэкˈтивитиз сач эз спотс, ˈдрамэ клабз, скулˈньюзˌпейпэр о ˈрейдиоу. 
эˈмерикэнз синк зэт ич ˈпёсн шуд эˈчив ол зэтхи о ши кэн. 
бат сам эˈмерикэнз биˈлив зэт зэ ˈкуолити овˌедьюˈкейшэн из ˈгоуин дaун. зей синк зэт зэˈнамбэр ов ˈбейсик ˈсабджиктс изфью, ˈстьюдэнтс уоч ту мач ˌтиˈви энд ду туˈлитл ˈхоумˌуёк
Winter is the nicest season!

In winter I can have a very good time. I can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! In winter it snows much. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderfull in winter! Snow sparkles in the sun. Frost paints on the windows and there are many icicles hanging from the roofs.

I think winter is a beautiful season!


Зимой я могу проводить время очень хорошо. Я с удовольствием катаюсь на коньках, лыжах, санках и играю в снежки. Зима - время для веселья. Зимой много снега. Леса и поля белые. Зимой они выглядят великолепно. Снег сверкает на солнышке. Мороз разукрашивает окна, а с крыш свисают сосульки.

Я думаю, зима - красивое время года. и перевод
Many people like watching TV in their free time. It’s one of my favourite pastimes too. However, I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. I usually watch music channels, new and interesting films, funny cartoons and educational programs. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my favourite TV program. It’s an informative show called “Galileo”. It is named after a famous scientist Galileo Galilei, who liked making experiments. I watch this program regularly and try not to miss the next issue. It is usually shown at weekends. Each time the presenter of the program Alexander Pushnoy explains different phenomena of nature and shows amazing experiments. Most of all I like the part with these experiments. In my opinion, “Galileo” show is interesting not only for children but also for adults. Not every adult knows seemingly obvious facts. For example, why the sky is blue, why the sugar is sweet, how the paste is colored in tubes. This program can surprise even the most skeptical spectator. Usually each edition contains five different stories and experiments. Together with the presenter you can travel to distant places and even transfer in time. The “Galileo” team has several special agents, who conduct the experiments at scientific laboratories, factories and plants. Sometimes they travel into past or future. Some episodes are shot in foreign countries, such as Japan, the USA, Ukraine, etc. My favourite program ends with the words “The world is more interesting than you think”. I absolutely agree with this statement and I always recommend my friends to watch “Galileo”.

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Напишите как читается текст по аглискому буквам about 90 per cent of all children in the usa attend state or public schools where education is free. in other words 43 million pupils and students go to public schools and another 6 million are in private schools. in private schools parents have to pay for their children’s education. most of the private schools have religious education, too. the relations between students and teachers in state schools are democratic and friendly. in american public schools students wear whatever they want. students can choose the subjects they want to study. they often take part in non-academic activities such as sports, drama clubs, school newspaper or radio. americans think that each person should achieve all that he or she can. but some americans believe that the quality' of education is going down. they think that the number of basic subjects is few, students watch too much tv and do too little homework
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