Помните предложения в прямуюьречю перевести 1 he told my mother that i should stay in bed for three days at least drink warm milk and mineral water . 2 he said that i would recover soon.
1 Он сказал моей матери, что я должен оставаться в постели в течение трех дней, хотя бы пить теплое молоко и минеральную воду 2. Он сказал, что скоро выздоровею.
One day a fisherman on the aral sea sailed home after a day's work.it was rain and he did not have a very good day and did not catch very many fish.suddenly he heard a strange noise.a cow flew towards his boat! the cow hit the boat and nearly destroyed it.when the fishermen got back home people did not believe his story.then some time later the usa air force has showed that the fishermen has told the truth.while one of their transport planes flew over the aral sea a cow on the plane have gone mad and the pilot has throwed it out the sea.
1)The first settlers were celebrating Thanksgiving Day during five days. 2)Lincoln decided to celebrate that holiday as annual 3)A half of settlers had died by the end of the year 4)Squanto said that he would arrived next week 5)In 1620 Pilgrims had landed at Plymouth Rock 6)New settlers were preparing dinner when indiens came 7)Last winter had been very severe for Pilgrims 8)Some years ago the ship called "Mayflower" had arrived to America 9)They promised that they would be thankful fir God 10)When quest came, Pilgrims had cooked dinner already
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Помните предложения в прямуюьречю перевести 1 he told my mother that i should stay in bed for three days at least drink warm milk and mineral water . 2 he said that i would recover soon.