
Составить небольшой рассказ (10-12 предложений) о самом большом городе шотландии на

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The largest city in Scotland is Glasgow. Glasgow (eng. Glasgow, Galsk. Glaschu) is Scotland's largest city and the third most populous city in the UK (after London and Birmingham). Glasgow hosts a variety of festivals all year round: Celtic music festival, international jazz festival, West End festival and others, bringing together tourists and visitors from around the world. During festivals, it's probably pretty noisy.  But still the most bustling city of Scotland-it is probably the Scottish capital-Edinburgh, especially during a variety of festivals. In August the city hosts the world's largest annual Edinburgh festival, which takes place at the same time or several thematic festivals. During this period, the city's population doubles because of the influx of tourists. In General, Edinburgh attracts about 13 million tourists annually, thus being the second most popular (after London) tourist destination in the UK. Festivals Edinburgh international arts festival Edinburgh international film festival-held annually since 1946. The Edinburgh international festival of jazz and Blues Edinburgh international book festival-held in the second half of August every year since 1983. Edinburgh international science festival Edinburgh Fringe-from August 9 to 31, the fringe festival takes place-it is the largest and most famous art festival in the world. On him intends to the public from around the world. This festival of music and theater, by tradition, a parade carnival-on the main street of the city, "Royal mile" , a costume procession. For three weeks, the city has become a complete enchanting sight-more than 1,500 performances, concerts, shows and performances are played in theaters, clubs, pubs, schools and on the streets. The Edinburgh interactive entertainment festival The Edinburgh military tattoo is held during the first three weeks of August every year since 1950 In this grandiose musical-theatrical presentation attended by military bands from different countries, drummers, pipers, the procession of acrobats and cheerleaders. Hogmanay
  И таким образом Ваша мечта осуществилась. Каждый день обещает, что много интересных вещей учатся, новые люди, чтобы встретиться. Концерты и фильмы, чтобы обладать.
  но это не лёгкая задача, чтобы переполнить всё в один день, и ежедневная программа становится вопросом, завоевание или потери. Мой день начинается со звона будильника в моём месте у кровати,который будит меня, а также моих соседей по комнате в половину седьмого. Разве это не забава вскочить с кровати с шумом и шутками, сделать утренние упражнения к музыке с открытым окном и после мытья, очистки наших зубов, выполнения наших волос, одежды и завтрака, чтобы поспешить в университет? Мы идем туда пешком, и нам требуются 10 минут, чтобы добраться там. Поскольку наши классы начинаются в 8 часов, раздевалка в то время - uvercrowded со студентами, которые пытаются достигнуть университета перед звонком. После классов я иду в закусочную или столовую, чтобы обедать и затем в библиотеку и читальный зал для книг или подготовиться к scminars. Вечером после короткого тихого отдыха я делаю свои домашние задачи, и он занимает время, Вы знаете. Прежде чем я лягу спать, я могу смотреть телепрограмму, прочитать книгу для удовольствия и иметь прогулку с моим другом, болтающим о последних новостях Однажды в постели события дневного прохода в моем мысленном взоре, и я вижу, что это был день тяжелой работы. Но я не чувствую себя виноватым, потому что я знаю: "Нет никакой королевской дороги к изучению.
1) It would be natural if you yesterday had punished the boy for his behavior. 2) It would be strange if he didn't see me when he was here last summer. 3) Anna passed the exam. if not ill. we yesterday. 4) We would finish our work, if you helped 5) The boy would have behaved differently if he was selfish. 6) She would not be forgiven, if so very much loved. 7) It seems that children are much like each other. 8) You do nоt seem to understand me. thought. 9) It seemed that she knew grammar much better than we 10) They did not seem to have met before. 11) Try not to gossip other people. 12) We can not help but laugh when looking at him. 1) I wrote down all of his comments on this issue 2) Let the children run barefoot, it won't hurt when we have 3) he missing again? It's unlike him to miss class. 4) test the child? the mother of the conditions In which you lived when you were 5) disease. the girls were miserable when they were told about. 6) In your place I would have recorded this information, she has not a great value, stay home. 7) As if going to rain. I think we'd better 8) If you came yesterday these pills, you would feel much better. 9) All patients are the same: nervous over nothing and acting like children. 10) I would not say that we had many similarities. 11) If you're not going to sleep, you will feel disgusting tomorrow. 12) I like this doctor because he prescribes too many medications.

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