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Щас что 10 номер 3 доделать таблицу вот in a polar climate it's always cold .the temperature never goes above 10 °c. it's very difficult to grow food here because the winters are very long and dark. people usually eat a lot of meat and fish but not much fresh or vegetables. turkey, california and southwest australia have a mediterranean climate. it's hot in the wibter. they use irrigation system to grow crops like oranges and figs. olive frees grow well in the mediterranean climate because they don't heed much water.the mediterranean diet includes a lot of vegetables and not much fat. saudi arabia and egypt have a desert climate. daytime temperatures are high all year but it can be cold at night. it goesn't rain often and not many plants grow in these areas. dates are nutrition and they are an important part of the desert nomads' diet. malaysia and congo have a tropical climate, with high temperatures and a lot of rain all year round. plants grow easily in these conditions. rice, bananas and sugar cane grow on large farms or plantation. in these countries, people eat a lot of rice
There are many interesting books in the world. But my favorite book is called "Pirates and their Treasures." Written by her English writer John Matthews. This book is large. It has many different secrets. In her pockets she keeps ancient maps of buried treasures. From it I learned about pirates, their clothes, weapons. Opening my favorite book, I get into the world of adventure. The blue ocean, black sails and ships with guns - all this beckons me with every page. For her reading time flies imperceptibly.