My room is very light and large. There is a sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there is a yellow nightstand. You can see a vase with flowers on my dresser. On the left side of the dresser there is a window. And next to the window there is my desk where I do my homework. Of course, I have a computer desk with my new net-book which connected to Internet. Along the long wall of my room there is a book-case with many shelves for books and CD-disks. There are some posters with my favorite pop-singers on the walls. And in the middle of the room there is a colorful carpet. I love my room!
Моя комната очень светлая и большая. Справа стоит диван. Рядом с диваном есть желтая тумбочка. Вы можете видеть вазу с цветами на моем туалетном столике. С левой стороны от комода есть окно. А рядом с окном мой стол, где я делаю домашнее задание. Конечно, у меня есть компьютерный стол с моим новым ноутбуком, который подключен к Интернету. Вдоль длинной стены моей комнаты есть книжный шкаф с множеством полок для книг и компакт-дисков. Есть несколько плакатов с моими любимыми поп-исполнителями на стенах. А в середине комнаты есть красочный ковер. Я люблю мою комнату!
I HAVEN'T CLEANED my football boots.
They HAVEN'T STARTED their meal.
I HAVEN'T DONE my homework.
He HASN'T WON all his matches this year.
My brother and I HAVEN'T SEEN any films this week.
It's my birthday party today. I HAVEN'T INVITED many people.
He HASN'T WASHED his hands. They're very dirty.
Mum's really angry. We HAVEN'T BEEN TIDY our room!
I can't play with my friends this evening. I HAVEN'T FINISHED my homework.
I HAVEN'T VISITED New York for three years.
Where's Alison? We HAVEN'T SEEN her since yesterday.
Dad HASN'T TAKEN a holiday since last August.
John HASN'T PLAYED the violin since he was school.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Speaking english well i have a dutch friend who speaks english ( . i have beauty always wondered how the dutch manage to learn languages so (1) … . success the dutch, like the germans, often speak english (2) … well than some native speakers or at least they seem to speak the language more (3) … correct than some english people. if you want to speak english (4) … fluency with a reasonable accent, you should listen to tapes as frequently as possible. there are no magic solutions but you (5) … simplicity have to work hard at the new language.
always wondered how the Dutch manage to learn languages so (1) … . SUCCESSFULLY. The Dutch, like the Germans, often speak English (2) … BETTER than some native speakers or at least they seem to speak the language more (3) … CORRECTLY than some English people. If you want to speak English (4) … FLUENTLY with a reasonable accent, you should listen to tapes as frequently as possible. There are no magic solutions but you (5) … SIMPLY have to work hard at the new language.