Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
тут надо подставить букву к номеру в диалоге. complete the conversation with phrases a-e. a) do you? b) don't you? c) no, neither do i. d) ok, fine. e) so do i. a: let's look at these brochures and find something for our summer holiday. b1: i don't want a beach holiday this year. a2: think an activity holiday would be good, for a change. b3: i don't like water sports. a4: do. but there are other sports we can look at. i like the idea of a horse-riding holiday. b: yes, that's a good idea. where can we go horse riding? a: well, there are holidays here in south america, but i think that's a long way for two weeks. b5: don't agree - the flights are only about nine hours to brazil. a: oh, ok then. let's look at south america. заранее огромное < 3
This is what Moscow teenagers told a "TV park" guide about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали обозревателю журнала "ТВ парк" об услугах телевидения в России.This is what Moscow teenagers told the "TV park guide" about TV services in Russia. Вот что московские подростки рассказали журналисту "TV Park Guide" об услугах телевидения в России. Перевод сильно зависит от знаков препинания, которыми вы пренебрегли.