
Используя: have to, has to, need to, used to заполни пропуски. 1)everyone to go to the library once or twice a week. 2)mr.brown to take his dog out. 3)when i was in the first from, i to write badly. 4)when my mother comes home, she to wash dishes. 5)it's your turn to go shopping. you to buy bread. 6)we have nothing to eat, somebody to go to the shop. 7)the flowers to put down on the window-sills to grow detter. 8)when fred was at the university, he to take part in all competitions. 9)bob and his-friend to write letters, because they are far away. 10)mrs.willer to send her scientific work to her boss. 11)oliver to paint the fence, when he was a boy.

Английский язык


1)Everyone has to go to the library once or twice a week.
2)Mr.Brown has to take his dog out.
3)When I was in the first from, I used to write badly.
4)When my mother comes home, she need to wash dishes.
5)It's your turn to go shopping. You have to buy bread.
6)We have nothing to eat, somebody need to go to the shop.
7)The flowers need to put down on the window-sills to grow detter.
8)When Fred was at the University, he has to take part in all competitions.
9)Bob and his-friend need to write letters, because they are far away.
10)Mrs.Willer has to send her scientific work to her boss.
11)Oliver used to paint the fence, when he was a boy.
В четвертый четверг ноября в США отмечают День благодарения. Это один из самых популярных праздников в стране. День благодарения впервые был отпразднован в 1621 году английскими колонистами, жившими в Плимутской колонии. Предыдущая зима была очень тяжелой и голодной, новая зима также сулила колонистам мало хорошего. Тогда губернатор Уильям Брэдфорд решил поднять дух своих подчиненных и организовал первый День благодарения. Праздник совместно отметили британские колонисты и их соседи-индейцы, благодаря которых Плимутская колония выжила в первую голодную зиму. Пуритане привнесли в этот праздник глубокий религиозный смысл — они видели в нем поблагодарить Всевышнего за милости. День благодарения стал национальным праздником после соответствующего указа первого президента страны Джорджа Вашингтона в 1789 году. С Днем благодарения связан ряд традиций, которые американцы свято хранят и соблюдают. Все члены семьи обязательно должны сходить в церковь, а после службы собраться за праздничным столом.
In the fourth Thursday November in the US celebrate Thanksgiving day. This is one of the most popular holidays in the country. Thanksgiving day the first time was celebrated in 1621, the British colonists, lived in плимутской colony. Previous winter was very heavy and hungry, new winter also promised colonists few good. Then the governor of William Bradford decided to raise the spirit of his subordinates and organized the first Thanksgiving day. Holiday together noted British colonists and their neighbors-Indians, thanks to help which плимутская colony survived in the first hungry winter. Puritans brought in this holiday deep religious the meaning of - they have seen it way to thank God for mercy. Thanksgiving day was the National holiday after the corresponding decree the first President George Washington in 1789. Happy Thanksgiving is connected a number of traditions that Americans Holy store and respect. All the family members need to go in the Church, and after the service to gather for the holiday table.

1. Выберите лишнее слово

b) a fox  

2. Употребите пропущенный предлог. There is a bridge…..my house.

c) near  

3. Найдите прилагательное в сравнительной степени.

c) kinder  

4. ответьте на вопрос. Are frogs green?

Yes, they are.  

5. Переведите предложение. Do you like tea?

d) Ты любишь чай?

6.Найдите предложение с глаголом в будущем времени.

b) He will toboggan in winter.

7. Найдите правильный глагол в времени.


8. Найдите неправильный глагол в времени.

c) give

9. Выберите выражение – спутник времени.

c) a week ago

10. Вставьте пропущенный глагол.

There…..two big arm-chairs in the room.

c) was  


Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Используя: have to, has to, need to, used to заполни пропуски. 1)everyone to go to the library once or twice a week. 2)mr.brown to take his dog out. 3)when i was in the first from, i to write badly. 4)when my mother comes home, she to wash dishes. 5)it's your turn to go shopping. you to buy bread. 6)we have nothing to eat, somebody to go to the shop. 7)the flowers to put down on the window-sills to grow detter. 8)when fred was at the university, he to take part in all competitions. 9)bob and his-friend to write letters, because they are far away. 10)mrs.willer to send her scientific work to her boss. 11)oliver to paint the fence, when he was a boy.
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