
Вкаком году манул (палласов кот) был занесён в красную книгу, сколько их осталось, и где они обитают. на для презентации.

Английский язык


Pallas’s Cat has a wide but fragmented distribution in the grasslands and montane steppe of Central Asia. Even in optimal steppe habitat in Mongolia Pallas’s Cats occur at a very low density of two to six Pallas’s Cats/100 km2 (Ross in prep.). Their low density is believed to be a result of interspecific predation which restricts their use of habitats to those with good cover from predators, whilst maintaining access to prey. A consequence of habitat specialization is that a low percentage of the landscape is suitable for their needs, and their low density means that relatively large areas are required for conservation of viable populations (Ross et al. 2012). Pallas’s Cats are dependent on marmot burrows or other available cavities to provide dens for daily use and rearing young, which further restricts habitat availability (Ross et al. 2010a). Using the Pallas’s Cat studbook data (Barclay 2013) generation length has been estimated at 3.61 years. However, most populations now experience disturbances resulting in reduced lifespan and lower reproductive output (e.g. Ross 2009). Predation by sympatric carnivores, domestic dogs and human offtake are the main causes of mortality (Ross 2009). While recent records have resulted in small expansions of the species known range, increases in the number and extent of livestock, herders and herding dogs is resulting in increased habitat degradation, displacement and mortalities (Damdinsuren et al. 2008, Barashkova and Smelansky 2011, Ross et al. 2012). Mineral exploitation and infrastructure developments have also increased substantially in Central Asia increasing fragmentation throughout its core range (Selles 2013). Pallas’s Cat continues to be at serious risk from a declining prey base due to pika and rodent control programmes and secondary poisoning. A lack of range-wide data means there is little empirical bases on which to estimate population size and status of Pallas’s Cat. However, based on low detection rates, increases in habitat degradation and the species biological susceptibility to disturbance, populations are suspected to be fragmented and to have declined by 10–15% over the past 11 years (three generations). The species is listed as Near Threatened as it may qualify as Vulnerable under criterion C1 in the future when the population size drops below 10,000 mature individuals (it is currently about 15,000).

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Why don't you stay at the institute and finish your homework? - I (have already

finished) it.

2. He's bored. He (has been reading) a dull book for three hours.

3. Cadet Ivanov (has gone) to the canteen. He'll come soon.

4. My Dad is happy. He (has been driving) his new car for three hours.

5. Have you (ever been) to the Drama Theatre?

6. We're worried. We (have been waiting) for the examination results for an hour.

7. The freshmen (has already swept) the drill ground. They (have been doing) it for two hours, they're tired.

8. It (has been snowing) a lot this morning. We should clean the drill ground.

9. Why don't you stay at home and finish your housework? - I (have already finished) it.

10. Why are you so dirty? - We (have been cleaning) room 414 for three hours.


A. Choose an appropriate word to complete each sentence. There are two extra.

charity/ appealing fresh spicy/ rare/ mashed/ grate/ poached/ boil/ portions

1. Would you like to stay for dinner? We're having roast chicken with mashed potatoes.

2. A healthy diet should contain plenty of   fresh

fruit and vegetables.

3. This restaurant serves very small  portions

. I'm always hungry after I leave here!

4. Greg made a delicious  spicy

sauce for the spaghetti.

5. He can't cook. He doesn't even know how to   boil

an egg.

6. Not only should obentos be nourishing and healthy, they should also look   appealing.

7. Dinner is almost ready. I just have to  grate the cheese for the pasta.

8. Ben likes his steak  rare

so don't cook it more than ten minutes.


B. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. She  has been studying with me for three years.

2. I  haven't tried

windsurfing so far.

3. I  haven't done much sightseeing yet.

4. Brian  has been reading

this book all morning.

Have you ever tried Chinese food?

C. Underline the correct item.

1 Gary has gone to

the baker's to buy some bread.

2 Helena has never been

been to Japan before so she's

very excited about the trip.

Alex has been in

Scotland for two months now

and he loves it.

4 Can you take the dog for a walk,

please? He's been in the house all day.

George has

gone to the post office but he

won't be long. You can wait for

him, if you like.

6 Mum bought Dad a pair of

Italian leather shoes for his birthday.

7 Your doctor can give you some good

advice on how to follow a more balanced diet.​


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Вкаком году манул (палласов кот) был занесён в красную книгу, сколько их осталось, и где они обитают. на для презентации.
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Dad till late yesterday. (work