Smile at them. learn how to have a real smile, and care about people. learn how to feel compassion when regarding someone. tell them a funny joke. inside jokes work really well, especially if it is something only between the two of you. learn how to make them laugh. find something funny online that you know they'll like and send it to them in an email. compliment them sincerely. tell them something you love about them. invite them to do something fun with you. go bowling, swimming, or something else fun and active. pick a dandelion or blade of grass and give it to them. say things such as, “i got this especially for you! ” or "i picked this weed just for you! " it is different and might make them laugh at your silliness, make them smile at your sweet nature. 7 listen to them. try to understand their thoughts and be in their shoes. this shows you care and love them, whether they may appreciate it or not. be there. they will come to realize what a friend you've been. try not to insult them with some of your 'compliments'. that could lead to more sadness. hug the person. if you have an open relationship with someone, a warm and affectionate hug can lift the spirits and bring a sense of joy and community. give a gift. take the time out to pick out a special gift that is suitable for the person. the more thought you put into the gift, the better it is from the point of being an expression of positive energy. be sure to include an inscription in the gift wherever possible, and make the message one that is uplifting and spiritual. spend quality time with the person. plan for an event or simply time together in which you share precious moments on this world in each other's company. constantly remind the person how much you value them, but don't go too overboard. positive affirmations to others can help build the bridge of friendship and trust. never use sarcasm though, as sarcasm is the biggest turn-off when it comes to building strong bonds with people.
1,To be full of beans (дословно - "наполненный бобами")— энергичный, заводной, в хорошем настроении. Big cheese ("большой сыр") - большая шишка, важная персона. 2.Copycat ("копирующая кошка") - так называют человека,который списывает Hit the books("ударять по книгам/бить книги") - начинать усердно учиться bookworm("книжный червь") - тот,кто очень много читает(это,кстати,очень известная и часто употребляемая в России идиома) 3.have a face like thunder ("лицо, как гром") - быть рассерженным to be under the weather ("быть над погодой") -болеть удачи;)
In art museums, you can find different collections, documentation of the history of the development of art. The main objective of these museums is the aesthetic satisfaction of human needs. In Russia in the 90s there were about 350 of such museums. The main subgroups allocate the national museums and international art, fine art (without an explicit national tendencies), architecture, museums, sculptures and applied art (decorative art), memorial museums.
To celebrate the arts and historical information, as well as about national and foreign writers and their works you will be able in museums literary profile. In the last decade of the last century in the Russian Federation there were about 150. In the famous Literary Museum in Moscow, You can find the largest in the territory of our country a collection of works on the history of foreign and Russian literature – more than 650 thousand books, both handwritten and printed, archives, foundations of the famous creators of the national literature, photographs, memorabilia and memorabilia, audio recordings and videos. In addition, the Museum has 10 branches.
If you need to, learn the history of musical works, then you have to visit the Museum of musical art. This group has United as museums music history and music culture. Often you can find memorials of famous composers. The largest on the territory of the Russian Federation is the Central Museum of musical culture. M. I. Glinka located in Moscow. There are about 770 thousand works to the main Fund and 2 million in additional science Foundation. Here are the archives of composers, some manuscripts, costumes and scenery, music. tools, audio recordings and notes. Also, you are 5 branches of this Museum.
Theatre lovers will have access to a branch museums – museums of theatre arts. Besides the main task, the documentation of the history of the theatre, this profile is divided into subgroups. Some of them are devoted to the national theatre, other foreign; there are theaters that collects information about the history of this art form around the world. On the territory of the RSFSR such museums were more than sixty, and also created the international centre for coordinating the activities of this branch – Association of theater in museums and libraries. Under her early developed a Handbook entitled "Theatrical collections of the world."
Thus, we examined which features museums, on what principle are they divided into groups and subgroups and the art direction is key in any Museum. We hope our article was accessible and informative, and You could learn a lot.
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