the collective name of the citizens of Egypt, regardless of their religion or ethnicity. More than 90 million people live in Egypt, 90% are Muslims, 10% are Christians. About 1.7 million people live in Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.
Since ancient times, the territory of Egypt has been a place of attraction for people of various ethnic origins, who created the ancient Egyptian civilization. Significant cultural changes were associated with the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great and subsequent Hellenization; however, the most radical changes in language and culture began to take place in the 7th century, after the Arab conquest. The spread of Islam and Arabization began, which ended mainly by the XIV century. It was a long and bloody process, which was accompanied by massive oppression of the indigenous, Egyptian population. The Arabs imposed a special tax known as jiziyah on Christians who acquired dhimmi status. Most of the current Arabic-speaking inhabitants of Egypt are descendants of the ancient Egyptians who converted to Islam
It should be noted that the above refers mainly to the urban population of Egypt, which in fact was represented by the Copts, that is, the descendants of the culturally Hellenized part of the Egyptians. The Arab conquest had practically no effect on the life of the Egyptian peasants, who made up the numerical majority of the population, with the exception of their (apparently, initially very, very superficial) Islamization. In particular, the racial appearance of modern Egyptian fellahs practically did not change in comparison with the farmers of the time of the pharaohs and goes back directly to the Paleolithic population of the same area, which indicates the almost complete absence of "Arabization" of this group - which is understandable given the extremely small number of conquerors and their concentration in cities, not rural areas
Chelyabinsk is a great city, the seventh largest city in Russia. Chelyabinsk is a business, scientific, cultural and sports center of the southern Urals. It is famous for its unforgettable nature and kind people. You can walk across Kirovka Pedestrian Street. This street is popular among tourists because of the beauty of the architecture, cafes and bars, great food, and beautiful atmosphere.There are many museums such as Chelyabinsk Museum of Regional Studies, Museum of Labor and Fighting Glory, Museum of History of The Southern Ural Railroad and a lot of others.
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5) His name is Mark. (его имя Марк)