Перевод Расскажите друг другу, о чем идет речь в следующих фильмах, говорите или говорите о любом фильме, который сейчас популярен
Ps.Тут нужно бы прикрепить фото
My future I see myself working in a large company. I will have a big and friendly family . I live in a big house on the lake. The country will be Russia , in city Krasnodar. I will have two dogs, Labrador and Jack parson . My hobby will be to photograph everything that surrounds me. Свое будущие я вижу , как я работаю в крупной компании. У меня будет большая и дружная семья . Я буду жить в большом доме , на берегу озера. Страна будет Россия , в городе Краснодар. У меня будет две собаки, лабродор и Джек Парсон . Мое хобби будет , фотографировать все , что окружает меня.
It is Friday. It is seven o'clock in the morning. I am liying in bed and hearing my mothers words, "Cathy, get up! If you stay in bed longer,you will late for school." I get up but can't find anything. Where is my white blouse? Oh, mum didn't wash it yesterday. I put on a grey shirt and run downstairs. Now, I haven't any time for breakfast. " If I run all the way,I will be able to take a bus to school," I think. My mum is at the kitchen door with a sandwich in her hand. " You will be hungry when you come to school," she says. "Eat it on the way to the bus stop. Have a nice day,dear."
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Tell each other what the following films are about or speak about or speak about any film which is popular now
Ps.Тут нужно бы прикрепить фото