Coca Cola- holidays are Comming-1999-2019.
People all over the world love Christmas, so it’s a marketing move for companies to bring their brand closer to people.The tradition of Christmas celebrations is different. For example, in America, there’s a tradition of decorating your house very nicely.For brands, it’s very profitable, people save money for Christmas.People buy gifts for their relatives or friends. That’s what the ads are all about.People, especially in Europe and the U.S. celebrate Christmas.There’s a Cokа-Cola from 1886.
Люди по всему миру обожают рождество,поэтому это рекламный ход компаний сделать свой бренд более приближеннее к людям.
Люди покупают своим родственникам или друзьям подарки.На этом и подкрепляеться вся реклама.Традиции празднования рождества у всех разные.Например,в Америке есть традиция украшать очень нарядно свой дом,на этом и делаеться аккцент.
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50 ! сочинение по на тему "сми, телевиденье "
On average, they spend over 26 hours a week watching TV. It is not only a source of entertainment, but also of information and education. Many people are against this tool. They say that TV brings too much violence, irrelevant and unnecessary information into their homes. There is no doubt that TV is a convenient device and comparatively cheap pleasure. For example, for a family of 4 it is cheaper to stay at home overnight and watch a funny show or a football match, than to go out to the cinema or sports bar. But this is where danger lies. TV viewers become extremely passive. They move less, gaining excessive weight, eyesight and back problems. Moreover, they become passive absorbers of information.
They have no choice, they just accept what they see and hear, while the information can be fictional or fabricated. For some people TV became an addiction. They can’t imagine living a day without it. Others try to spend less time in front of the screens and they find much more time to do other things, such as meeting up with friends, playing tennis, going to the gym, reading a book. The effect of TV can be rather negative on children. There is so much inexplicable cruelty that they might accept it as standard behavior. There are many other pros and cons of TV, but in my opinion it should be used