
Вставьте a/ an / some i have ….. good idea. that’s ….. interesting job! they have found ….. gold in that old mine. do the smiths have ….. yellow van? look! he’s having ….. sandwiches. he always likes ….. piece of chocolate. i have ….. homework to do for tomorrow. there’s ….. nice girl in the red car. would you like ….. milk with your cookies? how about ….. grapes?

Английский язык


I have a good idea.
That’s an interesting job!
They have found some gold in that old mine.
Do the Smiths have a yellow van?
Look! He’s having some sandwiches.
He always likes a piece of chocolate.
I have some homework to do for tomorrow.
There’s a nice girl in the red car.
Would you like some milk with your cookies?
How about some grapes?
Я точно не знаю. Но думаю что так.

The main threat to the planet is us. We damage the place where we live, pollute the air we breathe every day and destroy other species’ life, too. Air pollution is one of the main problems nowadays. Millions of people all over the world live in areas where the air is extremely polluted and dangerous to be breathed. Needless to say, in most cases air pollution is caused by people. Numerous factories every day release into the atmosphere tons of poisonous chemicals and even heavy metals.  This not only affects the atmosphere, but influences man’s health as well. As a result, people suffer from asthma, cough, lung diseases and many other dangerous maladies. Furthermore, the number of cars and other means of transport is increasing rapidly. Many families today have more than one car and this makes the things even worse. Car emissions destroy the ozon layer which is highly essential for the protection of our planet from light of the Sun. Finally, the air condition is closely related to the water state. Acid rains occur when sulphur and nitrogen compounds mix with moisture of the air. After these rains, water in lakes and rivers becomes polluted and fish and plants can hardly survive there.


Перевод: Основная угроза для планеты – это мы. Мы наносим ущерб тому месту, где живем, загрязняем воздух, которым дышим каждый день, а также разрушаем жизнь других видов. Загрязнение воздуха – основная проблема современности. Миллионы людей по всему миру живут на территориях, где воздух сильно загрязнен и опасен для того, чтобы им дышать. Само собой разумеется, что в большинстве случаев загрязнение воздуха провоцируется людьми. Многочисленные фабрики ежедневно выделяют в атмосферу тонны ядовитых химикатов и даже тяжелых металлов. Это не только воздействует на атмосферу, но и также влияет на здоровье человека. Вследствие этого,  люди  страдают от астмы, кашля, болезней легких и многих других опасных заболеваний. Более того, число машин и других видов транспорта стремительно увеличивается. Многие семьи теперь имеют более одной машины, и это лишь ухудшает ситуацию. Выхлопные газы разрушают озоновый слой, который очень важен для защиты нашей планеты от солнечного света. Наконец, состояние воздуха тесно связано с состоянием воды. Кислотные дожди происходят, когда сернистое и азотистое вещества смешиваются влагой воздуха. После этих дождей вода в озерах и реках становится загрязненной и рыба и растения едва ли смогут там выжить.


1. The novel starts with the question, how do we know that the girl died.  

The advantage is the image of the overall picture of the case of this novel. For some, this is also a disadvantage, because people are interested in gradually reading a novel.

2. That is, in the fall of his final year at Harvard University, the time when he was preparing for the exams.

3. This is the name of the benefactor after whom the library was named.

4. His first impression is that she's a clever girl.

5. She considered it unfair that Harvard has five million books and their library have a few thousand.

6. This means that he received an excellent grade with a minus on the exam.

7. They talked about their names, music, and why she wanted the boy to invite her for coffee, and he invited her to a hockey game.

8. Jennifer was taking courses in music.

9. Losing is part of the road to success.

10. I think, it's the student hostel where she lived.

11. It was a Dartmouth ice hockey game.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вставьте a/ an / some i have ….. good idea. that’s ….. interesting job! they have found ….. gold in that old mine. do the smiths have ….. yellow van? look! he’s having ….. sandwiches. he always likes ….. piece of chocolate. i have ….. homework to do for tomorrow. there’s ….. nice girl in the red car. would you like ….. milk with your cookies? how about ….. grapes?
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