
Choose words from the box to complete the questions. then write answers. have do are can can have are do 1. can pandas fly? ho, they can't. 2. butterflies got legs? 3. dolphins live in the sea? 4. wolves birds? 5. polar bears run? 6. spiders mammals? 7. crocodiles live in europe? 8. lions got a tail?

Английский язык


Игорь Андрей
2 have
no they haven't
3 can
yes they can
4 are
no they aren't
5 can
no they can't или yes they can
6 are
no they aren't или yes they qre
7 are
yes they are
8 have
yes they have
2 have
no they haven't
3 can
yes they can
4 are
no they aren't
5 can
no they can't or yes they can
6 are 
no they aren't или yes they qre
7 are
yes they are
8 have
yes they have

совершенно невыгодные именно для себя условия дуэли, при которых даже пустяковая рана должна обернуться смертью?

6. Как автор подчёркивает большое волнение Печорина, несмотря на внешнее спокойствие?

7. Печорин пристально наблюдает за Грушницким? Какие его переживания он отмечает с удовольствием, а какие его разочаровывают?

8. Каких действий ждёт от Грушницкого Печорин? В какие условия ставит Грушницкого для этого Печорин?

9. Какие чувства испытывает Печорин к Грушницкому перед своим выстрелом? Как герой пытается повлиять на Грушницкого?

10. Как перед своим выстрелом Печорин вновь пытается примириться с Грушницким? После каких его слов герой стреляет

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is a  tale of a man-made monster.
Victor Frankenstein is an amateur scientist who creates a "perfect" human from spare body parts. Нe decides to take revenge on the person who created him. First the monster kills his brother. Frankenstein is ravaged by his grief and guilt for creating the monster  so he goes to the mountains alone to find peace. But  the monster  demands that he create a female monster to be his companion. Frankenstein agrees and goes to England to do his work. When he is almost finished, he changes his mind, and destroys the project. The monster then kills his friend and later his new wife Elizabeth.
 Victor chases after him throughout Europe and the North Pole, but then temporarily loses track of the monster when he disappears into a crack in the ice. At this time he meets Robert Walton and his crew.
The story ends with Victor's death and the monster crying for forgiveness. After a short contemplation by Robert Walton, who promised to kill him if offered the chance, the monster  disappears back to the North Pole never to be seen again.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Choose words from the box to complete the questions. then write answers. have do are can can have are do 1. can pandas fly? ho, they can't. 2. butterflies got legs? 3. dolphins live in the sea? 4. wolves birds? 5. polar bears run? 6. spiders mammals? 7. crocodiles live in europe? 8. lions got a tail?
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