
Переведите . the queen elizabeth 2 is the official head of state and for many people she is a symbol of unity of the nation. queen elizabeth 2 is not only the monarch of the united kingdom but also of australia, canada and new zealand, as well as many other countries in the commonwealth (an association of states that were once ruled by britain she is also head of the church of england. however, the queen has almost no power to influence the church. as head of the commonwealth, the queen has more freedom from the government. when the queen was growing up, the british empire still had colonies, and she watched as they became independent members of the commonwealth. she has met and knows the leaders of these countries. although she has no executive powers as head of the commonwealth, she takes her role very seriously. however, britain is now a member of the european community and is moving away from its links with the commonwealth. in addition, people in some of the major commonwealth countries, such as australia and canada, wonder if they should be connected to a monarch so far away. queen elizabeth 2 is married to prince philip, duke of edinburg. the heir to the throne is prince charles, the prince of wales. the queens other children are princess anne, prince andrew and prince edward. this group is usually called the royal family, together with queen elizabeth’s mother – the queen mother who died in 2002 at the age of 101. the queens power is limited by parliament but every week she meets the prime minister and receives copies of the all cabinet papers. elizabeth is the head of the executive, of the judicial power and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the u.k. she also has to fulfill her ceremonial functions such as opening of parliament, for example.

Английский язык


Королева Елизавета 2 является официальным главой государства, и для многих стран она является символом единства нации. Королева Елизавета 2 - не только монарх Соединенного Королевства, но также Австралии, Канады и Новой Зеландии, а также многие другие страны в Содружестве (ассоциация государств, которые когда-то правили Великобританией). Она также является главой Англиканской церкви. Однако у королевы практически нет возможности влиять на церковь. Как глава Содружества, у королевы больше свободы от правительства. Когда королева росла, Британская империя все еще имела колонии, и она наблюдала за тем, как они стали независимыми членами Содружества. Она познакомилась и знает лидеров этих стран. Хотя у нее нет исполнительной власти в качестве главы Содружества, она очень серьезно относится к своей роли. Однако Великобритания теперь является членом Европейского сообщества и уходит от своих связей с Содружеством. Кроме того, люди в некоторых из стран Содружества, таких как Австралия и Канада, задаются вопросом, должны ли они быть связаны с монархом так далеко. Королева Елизавета 2 замужем за принцем Филиппом, герцогом Эдинбургским. Наследником престола является принц Чарльз, принц Уэльский. Князья других детей - принцесса Анна, принц Эндрю и принц Эдвард. Эта группа обычно называется королевской семьей вместе с матерью королевы Елизаветы - королевой-матерью, которая умерла в 2002 году в возрасте 101 год. Власть Квинса ограничена Парламентом, но каждую неделю она встречается с премьер-министром и получает копии всех документов кабинета министров. Элизабет является главой исполнительной власти, судебной власти и главнокомандующим вооруженными силами У.К. Она также должна выполнять свои торжественные функции, такие как, например, открытие парламента.                                Вроде правильно...
To close
I/You/We/They close, I/You/We/They  don’t close, Do I/You/We/They  close?
He/She/It looks, He/She/It doesn’t look, Does he/she/it  look?

to go
I/You/We/They go, I/You/We/They don’t go, Do I/You/We/They  go?
He/She/It goes, He/She/It doesn’t go, Does he/she/it go?

to open
I/You/We/They open, I/You/We/They don’t open, Do I/You/We/They open?
He/She/It opens, He/She/It doesn’t open, Does he/she/it open?

to read
I/You/We/They read, I/You/We/They don’t read, Do I/You/We/They read?
He/She/It reads, He/She/It doesn’t read, Does he/she/it read?

to sit
I/You/We/They sit, I/You/We/They don’t sit, Do I/You/We/They sit?
He/She/It sits, He/She/It doesn’t sit, Does he/she/it sit?

to live
I/You/We/They live, I/You/We/They don’t live, Do I/You/We/They live?
He/She/It lives, He/She/It doesn’t live, Does he/she/it live?

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Переведите . the queen elizabeth 2 is the official head of state and for many people she is a symbol of unity of the nation. queen elizabeth 2 is not only the monarch of the united kingdom but also of australia, canada and new zealand, as well as many other countries in the commonwealth (an association of states that were once ruled by britain she is also head of the church of england. however, the queen has almost no power to influence the church. as head of the commonwealth, the queen has more freedom from the government. when the queen was growing up, the british empire still had colonies, and she watched as they became independent members of the commonwealth. she has met and knows the leaders of these countries. although she has no executive powers as head of the commonwealth, she takes her role very seriously. however, britain is now a member of the european community and is moving away from its links with the commonwealth. in addition, people in some of the major commonwealth countries, such as australia and canada, wonder if they should be connected to a monarch so far away. queen elizabeth 2 is married to prince philip, duke of edinburg. the heir to the throne is prince charles, the prince of wales. the queens other children are princess anne, prince andrew and prince edward. this group is usually called the royal family, together with queen elizabeth’s mother – the queen mother who died in 2002 at the age of 101. the queens power is limited by parliament but every week she meets the prime minister and receives copies of the all cabinet papers. elizabeth is the head of the executive, of the judicial power and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the u.k. she also has to fulfill her ceremonial functions such as opening of parliament, for example.
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