Рождественские елки украшают все дома на Рождество
1.Which sport games require very hard training? 2. What do you prefer to watch : a football game or a hockey game? 3. Which sport is played using a golf club? 4. In which sport game time is divided into three periods, 20 minutes each? 5. What sport is more physically demanding : chess or surfing? 6. How many sports do you know which are related to water? 7. What sports are usually done on a court? 8. Can you name 5 sports which are done indoors? 9. What sport games do you know which are played with a ball? 10. In what sport do you have a high risk of being injured?
Ни Дмитрий1095
I am getting ready math and history for this year/ Yes of course.These exams are very important for my school diplom. These exams are nessesary for getting into a university. MAth is compulsory and the history is optional. Yes, i Can choose the subjects which i will take for the exams. 6 Of course I'm a little nervous, but confidence in the knowledge gives me strength. I will learn subjects harder Not really set up for training in the academy, but eventually get used to it I didnt think about it.But may be it will connected with math and computers, or may be architecture.