When are you going to finish it?
What are you going to do next week?
What are you going to finish next week?
Who is going to finish it next week?
When is the teacher going to explain us the next lesson?
Who is going to explain us the next lesson?
What is teacher going to explain us the next lesson?
3) When are we going to attend that conference in St Louis?
Where are we giving next month?
Who is going to attend that conference in St Louis?
4) What are you going to study with your friends tonight?
When are you going to study your English lesson with your friends?
Who is going to study English lesson with your friends tonight?
5) When is the man going to repair the roof of the house ?
What is the man going to do the day after tomorrow?
Who is going to repair the roof the day after tomorrow?
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Найдите словосочетания в этих предложениях, 1 an evening visit will beunforgettable.2 you can buy somethingto eat there.3 it is open until lateon saturdays.4 you can find a large rangeof activities there.5 you can go there six daysa week.6 you can work out there.7 some customers pay lessthere.8 it is situated ondifferent levels.
Источник: https://ouenglish.ru/tales/goldilocks-and-the-three-bears-english
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