
Решить , ! put the sentences into +) forms: 1) we were at home last 2)my new shoes were not 3)they were 4)were there any sandals in the sale? (+) 5)i was at the mall with my 6) my brothers were not in the record shop+) 7)kate was at school last 8)she wasn't sick.(+) 9) there was a toy shop in the shopping 10)my day was

Английский язык


1) Were you(we) at home last night?
2 Were your new shoes expensive? Или Weren’t your new shoes expensive?
3 They weren’t cheap.
4 There were a lot of sandals in the sale.
5 Were you at the mall with your Mom?
6 My brothers were in the record shop.
7 Kate wasn’t at school last week.
8 She was sick.
9 There wasn’t a toy shop in the shopping centre.
10 Was your dad awful?
Решить , ! put the sentences into +) forms: 1) we were at home last 2)my new shoes were not 3)they w
I can easily claim that the Russians are highly adventurous shoppers. Despite the fact that we prefer reliability and high-quality, we can easily buy even a faulty good provided we really like it. Nevertheless, shopping habits totally depend on a person`s income rate.

Shopping for clothes is the most exiting kind of shopping, so I`d like to start with it. Upper and upper-middle classes prefer brand name high quality designer clothes. I personally strongly doubt about the quality of such things but it`s absolutely obvious that they help to enhance the status of the owner. Wearing designer clothes with an embroidered logo isn`t regarded as naff in Russia, but it`s a clear indicator of a person`s social status. Moreover, they prefer making their purchases in department stores or shopping centers. However, middle and low classes prefer buying own-brand clothes or generics of the lower quality as they are significantly cheaper. Their favourite places to shop are market places as well as shopping centres.

Shopping for food is not so exiting, but it is vitally important for everyone. The majority of Russian people buy their produces in various supermarkets in spite of the fact that the prices there are twice or even three times as high as at market, but the range of goods is definitely bigger. Thus, there are a lot of market places in Russian towns and cities where you can find different food: fruit, vegetable, meet, cheese, poultry, ect. However, one should be careful when making a purchase there: not only might the product quality may be law, but also the shopper might be twisted round the finger! I should mention that there are practically no corner shops in Russia as the market was cornered by supermarket chains and it has became impossible for them to compete with `trade giants`.

So, these are the main shopping habits in Russia. However, they have slightly changed under the influence of European and American lifestyle and all the social barriers are beginning to dilute.

перевод :

Я могу легко заявить, что русские с энтузиазмом ходят за покупками. Несмотря на то, что мы предпочитаем надежность и высокое качество товаров, мы легко можем купить бракованный товар, если он очень нам понравится. Тем не менее, покупательские привычки полностью зависят от дохода человека.

Покупка одежды - один из самых захватывающих видов шоппинга, поэтому я хочу начать именно с него. Представители высшего общества предпочитают фирменную одежду высокого качества от мировых дизайнеров. Хотя лично я сомневаюсь в качестве таких вещей, но ясно, что они повысить социальный статус владельца. В России не считается вычурным носить дизайнерскую одежду с вышитыми на ней логотипами, так как это считается явням показателем социального статуса ее обладателя. Кроме того, такие люди предпочитают делать покупки в торговых центрах и универмагах. Представители же среднего и низшего класса общества предпочитают простую одежду низкого качества, которая значительно дешевле. Их любимое места делать покупки - рынки и торговые центры.

Покупка продуктов питания не так интересна, как покупка одежды, но она жизненно важна для каждого. Большая часть населения России покупает продукты питания в различных супермаркетах, несмотря на то, что цены там в 2 или 3 раза выше, чем на рынке, но ассортимент товаров значительно шире. Тем не менее, в российских городах множество рынков, где можно приобрести различные продукты: фрукты, овощи, мясо, сыры, птицу и т.д. Но вам следует быть осторожным, делая покупки на рынке, так как качество продуктов может быть низким, и продавцы могутвас попросту обмануть. Следует отметить, что в России практически нет маленьких магазинчиков, так как рынок стал монополизирован супермаркетами, и частным "лавочкам" практически невозможно конкурировать с "гигантами торговли".

Таким образом можно сказать, что это основные покупательские привычки русских. Тем не менее, стоит отметить, что за последнее всемя они притерпели небольшие изменения под влиянием европейского и американского стиля жизни и "размывания" социальных барьеров.

понимаю что много, можешь выбрать что то основное из текста, или то, что тебе показалось важным))
- Hello, Ira. How are you?
- Hello, [ім'я друга]. I'm fine, thank you.
- Where were you last week? You wasn't at home.
- I visited London with my class. It was great school trip!
- Wow! What did you see there?
- I saw a lot of interesting places such as Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar square.
- Did you visit The Museum of Sherlock Holmes on Baker Street 221B?
- No. We wanted to go there, but we didn't have much time.
- Did you like this journey?
- Yes, of course. It was the best school trip of all my life.

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Решить , ! put the sentences into +) forms: 1) we were at home last 2)my new shoes were not 3)they were 4)were there any sandals in the sale? (+) 5)i was at the mall with my 6) my brothers were not in the record shop+) 7)kate was at school last 8)she wasn't sick.(+) 9) there was a toy shop in the shopping 10)my day was
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