
Сделать измените предложение , используя пассивный залог. 1. everyone heard the news. 2. the doctor prescribed the medicine to his patient. 3.they fed the monkeys with bananas in the zoo. 4.the judge asked him a lot of questions 5.the queen visited the capitals of 3 countries. 6.the sailors brought a lot of animals to the is land 7.the president gives advice to the government. 8.she teaches her pets a lot of funny tricks. 9.he gave her red roses on st. valentine s day . 10.many tourists visit this island in winter.

Английский язык


1.The news was heard by everyone
2.The medicine was prescribed to patient by the doctor
3.The monkey was fed with bananas in the zoo by them
4. A lot of questions were asked by judge
5.The capitals of 3 countries were visited by the queen
6.a lot of animals were brought to the island by the sailors
7.the advise is given to the government by the president
8.a lot of funny tricks are tought to pets by her roses were given on St. Valentine s day by him
10.this island is visited by many tourists

If a factory is built in my hometown, there will be many advantages. First, there will be (1)much more employment. Second, roads will be (2)better and transportation will be (3)faster. There will also be (4)many more educational and recreational facilities. Unfortunately, there will also be some disadvantages. The town will not be as peaceful as before and it will be (6)much more polluted. (5)Many more people will come to work here. The town will probably become more crowded and there will be less parks and trees. On the whole, however, I feel that there are more advantages than disadvantages and I would support this plan.

Тут только 6 ошибок, проверяйте! :)

Мусаев Игоревич371

1) Какая скорость у лошади, если она проходит 100м за 20 мин?

2) За сколько минут велосипедист доедет до точки А от точки В, если его скорость 25км/ч, а расстояние 200км?

3) Какое расстояние преодолел пешеход за 42мин, идя со скоростью 6км/ч?

4) Какая скорость у машины, которая проезжает 300м за 2 мин?

5) Сможет ли проехать лодка 500 м за 4 минуты, если ее скорость 100км/ч?

6) Найдите скорость поезда, если он может преодолеть 100км за 4 часа.

7) Смогут ли туристы проехать до памятника за 9 минут, если скорость автобуса - 64км/ч, а расстояние до памятника - 8км.

8) Успеет ли гонщик завершить гонку за 4 минуты, если его скорость 200км/ч, а протяжность трассы - 7 км?

, отметьте этот ответ, как лучший. буду благодарна!

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Сделать измените предложение , используя пассивный залог. 1. everyone heard the news. 2. the doctor prescribed the medicine to his patient. 3.they fed the monkeys with bananas in the zoo. 4.the judge asked him a lot of questions 5.the queen visited the capitals of 3 countries. 6.the sailors brought a lot of animals to the is land 7.the president gives advice to the government. 8.she teaches her pets a lot of funny tricks. 9.he gave her red roses on st. valentine s day . 10.many tourists visit this island in winter.
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