
По 80 вот текст надо его краткий переразказ london is the capital of the united kingdom. it's in england. it's one of the most famous cities in the world. more than 7 million people live there and more than 20 million tourists visit it every year. it's famous for its beautiful historical monuments, museums, galleries, theatres, shops, etc. the uk is a monarchy which means that it has a queen or king. elizabeth ii is the queen. the queen lives in buckingham palace. the houses of parliament are the centre of the british government. the famous clock tower with even more famous bell called big ben is part of them.trafalgar square is the main square of central london. it's popular with tourists who come here to relax after visiting the national gallery. there are two fountains in the square. at the bottom of admiral nelson's column stand four lions. the most famous park in london is hyde par/cwith its speaker's corner where at weekends anyone can speak about anything. 7776 tower of london is probably the most famous tower in the world. it has a very interesting past. it was a royal palace and a prison, today it's a museum. you can see the crown jewels there. the queen's favourite summer home is windsor castle. it's outside london. when the queen is at home, the flag flies from the round castle. tower bridge opens for the big ships to pass. st paul's cathedral is the biggest church in london. but the most famous is probably westminster abbey where kings and queens are crowned, married and buried1. there are tombs2 of many famous people in it. 7776 british museum is famous for its collection of works of art from egypt, greece and ancient rome. it also has many other masterpieces3.

Английский язык


London is the capital of Great Britain. It's in England. It's one of the most famous cities of the world. More than 7 million people live here. It's famous for its monuments, museums and galleries etc. UK is monarchy and its have queen Elizabeth 2 in power. House of Parlaiment is the center of city, the famous clocktower is the part of them. The Trafalgar square is the main square of London. The most famous park is Hyde Park with its Speaker's corner. Tower of London is probably the most famous tower in the world. It was a palace and a prison. Now, it's museum. The Queen's favorite summer home is Windsor  castle. It's outside London. Tower Bridge opens for the big ships to pass. St Paul's Cathedral is the biggest church in London. But the most famous is Westminster Abbey. British museum is famous for its collections of ancient nations.
She lived a girl named Mary. Her no one loved and befriended. She felt lonely. And once it podrshli boy and beat her because she did not give written off homework. The girl died. When she was buried, that on the same night she came to the boys and killed them. Do not Mary, not the boy has not been seen.
Жила девочка по имени Мери. Её никто не любил и не дружил. Она чувствовала себя одинокой. И как-то раз к ней подршли мальчик и избили её за то, что она не дала списать домашнюю работу. Девочка умерла. Когда её похоронили, то на эту же ночь она пришла к мальчикам и убила их. Больше не Мери, не мальчиков никто не видел
Жили мама и двое детей. Но однажды мама вернулась с работы с красным пятном на лице. С каждым днем это пятно росло все больше, заняло все лицо, и мама умерла. Перед смертью она велела своим детям ни за что не ходить ночью на кладбище. На следующий день ночью мальчик услышал голос. Он велел мальчику встать, одеться и идти на кладбище. Мальчик пошел и пропал. Его искали, но не нашли. Потом этот же голос услышала ночью и девочка. Она встала, оделась и пошла на кладбище. Там ей навстречу вышла женщина в белом платье и с красным лицом. Это была мама девочки. Она протянула руки и хотела схватить девочку, но та увидела, что лицо мамы — это красная кожаная маска. Она схватила ее и сорвала с лица. Маска в ее руках закричала и рассыпалась, а мама поблагодарила дочь, что она ее освободила и пошла в свою могилу, а девочка вернулась домой.

There lived mum and two children. But once mum has returned from work with a red stain on the person. Every day this stain grew more and more, has occupied all person, and mum has died. Before death she ordered children for what not to go at night on a cemetery. Next day at night the boy has heard a voice. He ordered to rise, put on and go to the boy on a cemetery. The boy has gone and was gone. For it searched, but have not found. Then the same voice has heard at night and the girl. It has risen, has put on and has gone on a cemetery. There to it towards there was a woman in a white dress and with a red face. It was mum of the girl. She has stretched hands and wanted to seize the girl, but that has seen that the person of mum is a red leather mask. It has seized it and has broken from the person. The mask in her hands has cried and was scattered, and mum has thanked the daughter that it has released it and has gone to the tomb, and the girl has come back home.

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По 80 вот текст надо его краткий переразказ london is the capital of the united kingdom. it's in england. it's one of the most famous cities in the world. more than 7 million people live there and more than 20 million tourists visit it every year. it's famous for its beautiful historical monuments, museums, galleries, theatres, shops, etc. the uk is a monarchy which means that it has a queen or king. elizabeth ii is the queen. the queen lives in buckingham palace. the houses of parliament are the centre of the british government. the famous clock tower with even more famous bell called big ben is part of them.trafalgar square is the main square of central london. it's popular with tourists who come here to relax after visiting the national gallery. there are two fountains in the square. at the bottom of admiral nelson's column stand four lions. the most famous park in london is hyde par/cwith its speaker's corner where at weekends anyone can speak about anything. 7776 tower of london is probably the most famous tower in the world. it has a very interesting past. it was a royal palace and a prison, today it's a museum. you can see the crown jewels there. the queen's favourite summer home is windsor castle. it's outside london. when the queen is at home, the flag flies from the round castle. tower bridge opens for the big ships to pass. st paul's cathedral is the biggest church in london. but the most famous is probably westminster abbey where kings and queens are crowned, married and buried1. there are tombs2 of many famous people in it. 7776 british museum is famous for its collection of works of art from egypt, greece and ancient rome. it also has many other masterpieces3.
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