
Как читается на ? we've got a lot of mushrooms and we've got a lot of meat let's make something really good to eat i love cooking i can fry and boil and bake just gibee a recipe there's nothing l can't make we've got a lot of rice let's make dinner it will be so nice

Английский язык


Ви haв гот э лот оф машрумс
анд ви hав гот э лот оф мит
летс мейк самсинг
рилли гуд ту ит

ай лав кугинг
ай кан фрай анд боил анд бейк
джаст гиби э рисип
зейе ис носинг ай кант мейк

ви hав гот э лот оф рис
летс мейк динне
ит вил би со найс
Shcherbinin KOLIChEVA
Nowadays, many people forget that such courtesy,especially the youth of today.I remember my grandmother who was very religious and polite.When I was (-) as a teenager I always stay (s) at my grandma's.So you come to her,and she gives you something good,yummy feed.Remember how I always asked (but) when we sat over a Cup of hot tea in the winter,when the window was raging snowstorm,sit and talk heart to heart with his grandmother.And we talked about it:
-You remember your young years...-he started the conversation the old lady.-at that time it was not so as now...and the other village people and others.In our times the youth has always been polite.
-Grandma!What is "politeness"?
-Well,-she sighed,-Politeness is a human characteristic which characterizes the personality good manners, good deeds and education.Under the politeness is usually described as the ability to communicate respectfully with people, a willingness to find a compromise and listen to opposing points of view.So that was my wonderful day at my grandmother's.
Зима, весна, лето и осень - 4 сезона. Мне нравится зима. Зима холодная и снежная. Деревья белые. Зимой дни короткие и ночи длинные.  Зимой Рождество. Мне нравятся рождественские деревья и подарки Санты. Девочки и мальчики могут делать снеговиков и веселиться! Зима это классный сезон.

Винта, Спринг, Самма энд оутам а фо сизонс. Ай лайк винта. Итс колд энд сноуви ин Винта. Зе трис а вайт. Дэйс а шорт энд найтс а лонг ин винта. Крисмас ис ин винта. Ай лайк зе крисмас трис энд Санта"с презентс. Бойс энд герлс кен мэйк э сноумэн энд хав э лот оф фан. Винта ис э найс сизон.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Как читается на ? we've got a lot of mushrooms and we've got a lot of meat let's make something really good to eat i love cooking i can fry and boil and bake just gibee a recipe there's nothing l can't make we've got a lot of rice let's make dinner it will be so nice
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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