2 million people watched the games on television
Olympic Games were the historic event of the state.
Easter Day is celebrated on a fixed date.
The custom of Easter vigil involves lighting fire indoor.
Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs are very old customs.
Easter Bunny on Easter Day is very much like Santa Claus on Christmas.
Eid al Fitr is celebrated at the beginning of Ramadan.
Eid al Fitr is also called the greater Eid.
Muslims fast on the Eid al Fitr.
Muslims perform a special prayer on the day of the celebration.
II. Copy correcting the following sentences (p.165 ex.4 and p.168 ex.1 )
• There is practically no family that has a book.
• People can learn many things only from books.
• Books are written by hand, that’s why they are so expensive
• Printing plays a weak role in the development of culture
• Athletic is not so popular in Russia• People need a good health to go in for sport.• Sport is popular among youthIII. Complete the test1. The French are famous for ………food.a)Its; b) their; c) them; d) they2. Where is Ann? She………the table over there.a)sits in b) sits by c) is sitting at d) is sitting to3. It was……..
a) quite a nice flat; b) a quite nice flat; c) flat quite nice; d) a flat quite nice4. Paper ………….by the Chinese.a) is invented; b) was invented; c) has been invented; d) have been invented5. Don’t worry! When the phone…….., I’ll call you.Объяснение:
Golden Automn
Golden Automn is no doubt the most beautiful time of the year. During this season the nature is changing and looks magical. It looks like somebody painted the trees with a brush in different bright yellow, crimson, orange and brown colors. When the sun is high in the sky the leaves are shining with a golden color.
перевод: Золотая осень
Золотая осень — это, без преувеличения, самая красивая пора в году. В это время природа вокруг преображается, приобретая совершенно сказочный облик. Кажется, словно кто-то покрасил деревья волшебной кистью в удивительно яркие сочные оттенки желтого, багрового, оранжевого и коричневого цвета. И вот в небе выглядывает солнце, и в его лучах листья словно оживают, начиная блестеть поистине золотым цветом.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Eazy easy. легкие вопросы, . разделительные вопросы тема. 1. it is dark in the evening in winter, a) is it b) isn, t it c) does it d) doesn, t it 2. it was nice to look at the happy girl a) was it b) wasn, t it c) did it d) didn, t it 3. you are so angry with me, a) aren, t you b) are you c) am i d) aren, t i 4. you didn, t eat anything for breakfast in the morning, a) did it b) didn, t it c) did you d) didn, t you 5. they will go skating and skiing very soon, a) isn, t it b) will go c) will they d) won, t they 6. you will meet us at the airport, a) will us b) will you c) won, t you d) meet you 7. he can speak english well, a) can he b) can, t he c) does he d) doesn, t he 8. he came to school very late yestarday, a) came he b) did he c) was he d) didn, t he 9. she is singing a beautiful song, a) is she b) is she singing c) isn, t she d) isn, t it 10. they had to do a lot yesterday, a) did they b) didn, t they c) had they d) hadn, t they