
Question tags match 1) we are happy 2.they'll go to london 3.bob isn't at home 4.she likes to dance was saturday 6.we aren't friends 7.sam can't draw 8.he's never been to paris 9.nick didn't play hockey 10.she likes jazz 11.kate couldn't come

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1 aren't we? 2 Won't they? 3 is he? 4 doesn't she? 5 wasn't it? 6 are we? 7 can he? 8 hasn't he? 9 did he? 10 doesn't she? 11could she?

Тут 12 предложений* писал тебе как можно быстрей

ответ: Wholesome food is needed by every person, be it an athlete, an elderly person or a child. There is a lot of healthy food, the first thing that comes to mind is fruits and vegetables. They are useful because their composition is either not harmful to the human body or minimally harmful compared to other products. For example, it is believed that fried pork is heavily digested in the human stomach. Roast also needs to be eaten in moderation because in large quantities it harms the body.People who have had gastritis, for example, and at least a third of all people should not be fried at all. healthy food it can be soup, borsch, buckwheat, mashed potatoes and the like. Drinking alcohol and energy drinks is also harmful. It is better to drink kefir and tea. Water is generally the best you can find from food and drink. We ourselves consist of 70 percent of the water so good it is. conclusion is best to drink water often and eat the fruits and healthy dishes listed above, and if there is something fried it is not often and not much so that the stomach and intestines remain healthy.

перевод: Полезная пища нужна каждому человеку, будь то спортсмен, пожилой человек или ребенок. Здоровой пищи много, первое, что приходит на ум, это фрукты и овощи. Они полезны, потому что их состав не вреден для организма человека или минимально вреден по сравнению с другими продуктами. Например, считается, что жареная свинина сильно переваривается в желудке человека. Жаркое также нужно употреблять в меру, потому что в больших количествах оно наносит вред организму.Например, люди, у которых был гастрит, и, по крайней мере, треть всех людей, не должны жариться вообще. Здоровой пищей может быть суп, борщ, гречка, картофельное пюре и тому подобное. Пить алкогольные и энергетические напитки тоже вредно. Лучше пить кефир и чай. Вода, как правило, лучшее, что вы можете найти из еды и питья. Мы сами состоим из 70 процентов воды, так что это хорошо. Вывод лучше всего часто пить воду и есть фрукты и полезные блюда перечисленные ранее, а если и есть что-то жаренное то не часто и не много что бы желудок и кишечник оставались здоровыми.


1. Hearing the news, which was amazing, she could not help but cry with happiness. 2. She did everything she could to convince him. But he insisted on his trip there. 3. She worked here for 15 years and is considered one of the best employees of the company. 4. The baby stopped crying only when his mother stopped to buy him a chocolate bar. 5. Entering the room, she noticed that some strange man was staring at her intently. 6. The girl sitting by the window was reading a book. 7. Honestly, I don't like this boring job. Here workers are forced to work in excess of the norm. To top it all off, I quarreled with the boss. In short, I'm sick of it all. 8. I watched how he talks with subordinates. He is smart enough to understand that we are the people who will help him. 9. Often saw him strolling through the park. 10. I regret to inform you that the plane is two hours late. 11. My daughter loves to cook. Today, she would like to make pizza with mushrooms. 12. When I was a child, I used to break many toys. 13. - What do you think, is it worth going to a party on Saturday? Do you mind if I go? - I do not I can keep you from this, but I would prefer you to stay home. 14. He seemed to enjoy playing with children. 15. If I change my mind, you will be the first to know about it.

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Question tags match 1) we are happy 2.they'll go to london 3.bob isn't at home 4.she likes to dance was saturday 6.we aren't friends 7.sam can't draw 8.he's never been to paris 9.nick didn't play hockey 10.she likes jazz 11.kate couldn't come
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