"Your beauty should come from within you-the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit." 1 Peter 3:4 (International children's Bible)
Princess Bella won't go anywhere without her bright red velvet hat, which covers her head all the way down to her royal chin! Her highness's subjects are worried that something terrible is wrong with their dear princess, and her father, the king, is at his wits' end in trying to get her to leave the red velvet hat behind. Pretty white ponies, the most beautiful bonnets, even clever plans-nothing seems to work. Why on earth is Princess Bella so determined not to be seen without her ridiculous hat?
T. Davis Bunn's charming tale and Doreen Gay-Kassel's enchanting colored-pencil illustrations delightfully teach children the value of true beauty, the kind that comes only from deep inside.
Good evening Mary, Well I doubt you would need to apologise for being late previously, I was so busy with exams and I’ve been in the hospital recently I was simply unable to make an adequate reply. As you already know while this e-mail may be shorter than previous ones I have written, at least it’s better than one could have been. So how are you, what have you been up to? How has your exams went? Are you finished for summer yet or still studying?
Julius Evola is the individual who the modern ‘Left’ would like to despise, and in some regards those who claim to be on the ‘Far-right’ would also be against him due to his criticism of an authoritarian regime. A Traditionalist through and through, likewise he recognises that Traditionalist may fall victim to National Socialism and Fascism. If you want a recommendation ‘Ride The Tiger’ is the most popular one of his works in my opinion, and my experience when talking about him with other readers. Are you reading anything currently?
I speak a bit, nothing too advance and to be honest I doubt I would be able to hold a conversation either. I studied it for a few years until I was no longer required at the school, personally I believe unless you are actually interested in learning a language, you won’t bother learning one. This is extremely the case in the United Kingdom since the world language is English, as oppose to Spanish or French. On a scale of difficult, it’s easier to learn Spanish as opposed to French in my opinion especially pronunciation. Why? Are you interested in learning the language?
One of my friend’s grandmother was an aupair in England during the early 1900s, by the sounds it she did quite well for her-selves. Of course times have changed, but I doubt the financial benefits have been lowered since then. Perhaps you could always try another country as opposed to Germany? So apart from all that, like I said, what have you been up to… for God knows how long? My exams were alright, being cocky and getting what my teachers think I will get would be fantastic but I doubt it.
Anyway like I said apologise for not replying sooner, I was simply too busy with my exams.