
Описание джокера . его внешность и характер. по .

Английский язык


Внешний вид, отличительные черты: 
Мужчина высокого роста (185 см), часто сутулятся. Чаще всего носит рубашки со галстуками и жилеты, поверх которых постоянное фиолетовое пальто с множеством карманов. Волнистые каштановые волосы подойдут сразу, если вообще знакомы с понятием расчесывания и ухода. Из отличительных особенностей-шрамы на лице, яркий макияж.
Джокер-противоречивый человек, которого трудно описать. Никто не может понять, что происходит в человеческом разуме. Перекидывает его из одной руки в другую, он не подчиниться никому, его невозможно контролировать, его действия сложно предугадать. Часто, действия этого человека не поддаются никакой логике. Отношение шутника к жизни бесконтрольно и несерьезно: высмеивает абсолютно все на своем пути. Шутки обо всем и вся, никоим образом не ставя интересы и чувства людей, тем самым демонстрируя полное пренебрежение к правилам и нормам общества. Этот человек, используя лицемерие, показывает публике лицо современного мира с его уродливыми чертами. И хотя большая часть поведения Джокера нелогична, нельзя отрицать тот факт, что он сам логически не может отказаться. Находит вполне разумное объяснение

Appearance, distinctive features: 
A man of high height (185 cm), often slouch. Most often wears shirts with ties and vests, atop which a permanent violet overcoat with multiple pockets. Wavy brown hair come immediately, if at all are familiar with concept combing and departure. Of the distinctive features - scars on the face, bright makeup.
Joker-controversial person, which is hard to describe. No one can understand what is happening in the human mind. Throws him from one hand to another, he is not able to obey anyone, it is impossible to control, his actions are difficult to predict. Often, this person's actions do not lend themselves to any logic. The attitude of the Joker to life uncontrollably and not serious: makes fun of absolutely everything in its path. Jokes about everything and everything, in no way putting the interests and feelings of people, thereby demonstrating complete disregard for the rules and norms of society. This man, using hypocrisy, shows the public the face of the modern world with its ugly features. And while much of Joker's behavior is illogical, there's no denying the fact that he himself logically can't refuse. Finds a perfectly reasonable explanation
1) He didn't (did not) go out with his friends yesterday. ( / did / out / He / yesterday / not / go / friends / his / with / . )
2) Do you like taking photos? ( / photos / like / taking / Do / you / ? )
3) My brother is going to take part in the match. ( / brother / part / is / the / match / in / going / to / football / take / Me / . )
4) Does she go to the country at the weekend? ( / she / Does / the / at / weekend / go / to / country /  the / ? )
5) What are you going to do next week? ( / are / what / you / do / to / going / week / next / ? )


Д - Дружба.
э - это.
н - норма.
UK country traditions. The UK is the symbol of modern civilization and history. The historical region of the Kingdom are very different, and they are: Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In England a large number of cultural heritage objects. Here is the London rich nightlife, monuments, shops, theatres, art galleries, Nusaybin, Windsor, Oxford, Manchester, Cambridge, York, Liverpool, Birmingham - famous and not fully part of England. Scotland is the lake, the mountains, the sound of bagpipes, heathlands and traditional whiskey.
Wales simply amazes the tourists with its wonderful castles and diversity of the landscape. Traditions and customs in the UK online presentation can be viewed and not one. About the customs and traditions of great Britain summary was formed many, because almost everyone knows about this country.mi and restaurants.The British are so proud that differ significantly from the other Nations of the world. They still adhere to such practices as a game of cricket or left-hand traffic. The Brits still, unlike the rest of Europe, measure the distance by miles and miles. In their traditions the British do not always follow logic. Rustic pubs, local residents often do you play Darts, and sometimes in checkers or chess.
The British are cold-blooded people. Approval they Express the word "good"that might look a little smugly and pompous. They are not accustomed to show their feelings, but it is sociable people with a good sense of humor and love.
Local residents have the strange habit of joking at all. Foreigners sometimes just puzzled.
English traditions appear in restraint in judgment as a sign of respect to his companion. Hence they have a tendency to avoid denial, using: "maybe", "I think", "I think", etc.
By lunchtime, the British change into some other clothes. Holidays customs traditions of all UK residents try to follow.
The traditions and customs of the Britons include numerous festivals. The most popular is held in may in Chelsea. The most solemn and grandiose holiday - Queen's birthday.
The sport also referred to the traditions of a Race Boat is at the end of March, football, tennis competitions, yachting.

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