[ɪts nɒt ˈjuːʒʊəli æz kəʊld ɪn ˈbrɪtn æz ɪt ɪz ɪn ˈrʌʃə ɔː ˈ kænədə].
[ɪn sʌm pɑːts ɒv ˈbrɪtn, ˈwɪntə gəʊz baɪ wɪˈðaʊt ˈɛni snəʊ ˈfɔːlɪŋ æt ɔːl].
[ɪt dʌznt ˈjuːʒʊəli gɛt ˈvɛri kəʊld ɪn ðə ˈwɪntər ɔː ˈvɛri hɒt ɪn ðə ˈsʌmə].
[ɪts nɒt truː ðæt ˈbrɪtn ɪz ə wɛt ænd ˈfɒgi ˈkʌntri].
[ɪt meɪ nɒt reɪn ˈvɛri mʌʧ bʌt juː kæn ˈnɛvə biː ʃʊər ɒv ə draɪ deɪ].
[ˈsʌmtaɪmz ɪt reɪnz səʊ ˈhɛvɪli ðæt ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ seɪ "ɪts ˈreɪnɪŋ kæts ænd dɒgz."]
[ðæts waɪ ˈbrɪtɪʃ ˈpiːpl seɪ "ˈʌðə ˈkʌntriz hæv ə ˈklaɪmɪt, ɪn ˈɪŋglənd wiː hæv ˈwɛðə."]
[ðə ˈwɛðər ɪn ˈɪŋglənd ˈʧeɪnʤɪz ˈvɛri ˈkwɪkli].
[ˈsʌmtaɪmz ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ hæv ˈwɛðə frɒm iːʧ ˈsiːzn ɔːl ɪn wʌn deɪ].
[ˈpiːpl ˈɒf(ə)n seɪ ðæt ðə ˈbrɪtɪʃ tɔːk əˈbaʊt ðə ˈwɛðər ɔːl ðə taɪm].
[ðɪs ɪz ən ɪgˌzæʤəˈreɪʃən, bʌt ɪts ˈsɜːtnli truː ðæt ðə ˈ wɛðər ɪz ə gʊd weɪ tuː stɑːt ə ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃən wɪð ə ˈstreɪnʤə].
[bɪˈkɒz ɒv ðə ˈʧeɪnʤəbl ˈwɛðə, ðeər ɪz ˈɔːlweɪz ˈsʌmθɪŋ tuː tɔːk əˈbaʊt ɪn ˈbrɪtn ˈiːvən wɪð ə ˈpɜːsn juː dəʊnt nəʊ].
Older students have to start thinking
about what they want to do after they
leave school. Everyone hopes to do well in
their exams whatever they are planning for
the future. Making decisions and studying
hard at the same time can be stressful.
▴ Other students have
a strong ambition to
work in a particular
field such as nursing.
They have to complete
a period of study then
they go and work in a
hospital where they
learn more practical
skills and apply their
Are you interested in further studies after you leave school?
Would you prefer to study while working or to have several years of studying only?
Does the idea of studying away from home interest you? Why? / Why not?
What do you think would be the advantages and disadvantages of living at home while you
study at a university?
• You are going to read an extract from a diary.
From whose point of view is a diary written?
• These words are in the story extract: doctorate, daughter-in-law, fiancée, tongue-tied,
paddling pool, neuroscientist, astrophysicist, summerhouse, awning.
Circle any you cannot remember or guess. Look them up.
• Find out what these phrases mean: to get engaged, Harvard graduate, it goes
without saying.
• You will learn about passive reporting verbs and how they are used.
The men who were on the Mary Celeste are believed to have met a nasty end. Does
anyone know what happened?
Language practice
• Punctuation: brackets and dashes (revision) Which of these is normally used for formal
writing and which for informal?
• Language use: You will learn common expressions with unusual tenses.
It’s time you did your homework. What work should you do this evening? List everything.
◂ Students with practical skills might choose to work in
a trade. Some companies take on apprentices who study
in college one day a week and learn the job by working
in the business for the rest of the week. Plumbers,
electricians and hairdressers are often trained like this.
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Grammar in use
• You will hear a conversation about going for an interview.
Think of three things you should do before your interview.
• You will learn about echo tags and using them in conversation.
Change these phrases into negative questions: we can, he does, there is, you are.
Change these phrases into affirmative questions: you won’t, we haven’t, it isn’t.
Listening and speaking
• You will practise language for speculation. Find out what speculation means.
• You will listen to a conversation about arrangements in the absence of one of the
festival committee members. Who do you think is most likely to be absent and why?
Conversation focus 2.09
Liam is looking at university websites in the library when Kurt arrives.
1 Listen to their conversation about the choices they are thinking about.
2 Read the questions on Workbook page 80. Listen again and answer the questions.
3 Talk in a group about different options for studying and training in the future.
Use the photos and information on this page to help you, as well as any of your
own ideas.
Ask: Do you want to …? What do you think about …? Would you prefer to …?
Say: I’m planning to … I’d like to … because ... I wouldn’t like to … because ...
• You are going to write diary extracts, before and after an important event.
Think of two important events in your life that you can remember well enough to know
how you felt before and after each one.
▴ Many students choose
to continue their studies
at a university. They have
to decide which university
and which course. There
are hundreds of courses
to choose from.
▴ If there is a university
nearby, students can live
at home while they study.
It costs less and students
know their surroundings.
They have all the
convenience and facilities
of home.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 1. he (study) for a exam in his room right 2.i usually (play) basketball. 3.l (have) a dance.
2. I usually play basketball .
3. I am having a dance .
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