
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past perfect passive. 1) the child (to take care of) before she asked us to do that. 2) her dress (to wash) before she went to the party. 3) the letter (to type) by 7 o'clock yesterday? 4) she showed me the picture which (to paint) by her husband. 5) a loan show (to bring) to the hermitage by yesterday evening. 6) he said that his mother's letter (not, to receive 7) the light (to turn off) before i left home. 8) the work (not, to finish) by yesterday morning. 9) everything (to prepare) by three o'clock yesterday?

Английский язык


1. The child had been taken care of before she asked us to do that. 
2. Her dress had been washed before she went to the party.
3. The letter had been typed by 7 o'clock yesterday?4.
4. She showed me the picture which had been painted by her husband.
5. A loan show had been brought to the Hermitage by yesterday evening.
6. He said that his mother's letter hadn't been received
7. The light had been turned off before I left home.
8. The work hadn't been finished by yesterday morning.
9) Everything had been prepared by three o'clock yesterday?
1) -Hello! I haven't seen you for ages. What's the news?
- No news.
No news is good news.

2) -What beautiful hair this girl has got!
- Indeed. It has got such an unusual color

3) –What time it is now, please?
-It is 13.30. But it seems to me that my watch is fast.
- Let me have a look at them. No, it is absolutely right. Look at the clock on the wall over there, it shows the same time.

4) – Have we really spent all the money that I had received?
Yes, we spent it last week. And there wasn't much money.
Эта компания занимается продажей духов, мыла, шампуня и продуктов по уходу за кожей для мужчин и женщин с 1976 года У компании 300 магазинов по всему миру и 130 магазинов в Великобритании. Они используют только натуральные ингредиенты, насколько это возможно, с открытия своего самого  первого магазина. Они заботятся об окружающей среде. Компания The Body Shop рекламирует себя через свою философию, которая выражается в обеспокоенности загрязнением окружающей среды. Бутылочки и другая упаковка повторно используются фирмой и утилизируются все эти годы. Каждый магазин имеет отдел вторичной заправки. Все магазины имеют строгий простой дизайн, они темно-зеленые, с широкими открытыми дверями и ощущением пространства и цвета. Все они имеют отличительный жёлто-зелёный логотип фирмы Body Shop вот уже в течение примерно 30 лет.

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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past perfect passive. 1) the child (to take care of) before she asked us to do that. 2) her dress (to wash) before she went to the party. 3) the letter (to type) by 7 o'clock yesterday? 4) she showed me the picture which (to paint) by her husband. 5) a loan show (to bring) to the hermitage by yesterday evening. 6) he said that his mother's letter (not, to receive 7) the light (to turn off) before i left home. 8) the work (not, to finish) by yesterday morning. 9) everything (to prepare) by three o'clock yesterday?
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