
Кто чем сможет! 1. fill in the gaps with one of the four options below. dugongs: mermaids or danger? long ago, sailors returning home from their sea voyages (1) tales of wild monsters and beautiful mermaids – creatures who were half women, half fish. today most scientists believe the myth of mermaids was inspired by a marine mammal (2) the dugong. the name of the scientific order to which they belong – sirenia – was taken from the word “siren”. a siren is an imaginary sea creature that (3) a woman. sailors believed a siren’s song (4) anyone hearing it to jump overboard and possibly drown. in reality, dugongs are far from dangerous. dugongs eat sea grass that grows in shallow water along coastlines in (5) pacific and indian oceans. their feeding style gives dugongs their more common nickname: sea cow. 1. a) said b) spoke c) talked d) told 2. a) called b) call c) calls d) was called 3. is looking like b) looks c) looks like d) looks at 4. a) would cause b) caused c) cause d) will cause 5 a) a b)- c) the d) an 2. read the text below and look carefully at each line. three of the lines are correct, and the others have a word which should not be there. put a tick () if the line is correct or write down the odd word. • the first is done for you. it just happened on one day. we woke up and everything was purple: 1. the people, the animals, everything you could see, even the sea and the sky. 2. we looked in the amazement. were we dreaming? was everything really 3. purple? at first it seemed strange, then it seemed funny, even the king 4. and queen were purple, but no one could explain what had happened. although 5. the scientists did tests and argued about the results for months, they couldn’t 6. find the answer to the mystery. as time went by it was got boring in our purple 7. world. we had sat down to eat our purple food, looking at the purple faces 8. across the table. at the school, our purple teacher taught a class of purple 9. children, who has came to school on their purple bikes. one day we saw a 10. strange bird – it was yellow, so yellow it hurt our eyes. we were all so been used to violet. 11. the bird flew down to rest on a tree and the tree turned back on to its old 12. colour with the green leaves. slowly the grass under the tree became green again.

Английский язык



все чем могла
His name is David. David is from
Australia~ He is a little boy. My cousin
is four. David likes to play hideand.;.seek.
But he doesn`t want to read books.
Every Sunday we go to the park to ride
a bicycle. Yesterday we played football at
·. the school sports-ground. Now my cousin
and I play with a ball in the yard .
. 1. What the cousin's name is?
2. Where David is from?
3. How old the boy is?
4. What game David likes to play?
· 5. What he doesn`t want to do?
6. Where they go every Sunday?
7. What they do in the park?
8. Where David and his cousin go yes-
. terday? 
9. What they do at the school sports ..
ground? .
10. What David do now?
11. What David's cousin do now?
Hi. I like animals very much. I have got three pets at home. They are: a cat, a dog and a gold fish.
My cat`s name is Murka. It is two years old. It is grey and white. Its eyes are green and its nose is pink. Its tail is long. Murka often plays with a toy mouse. The cat likes meat and fish.
I have got a big dog. His name is Ders. Ders is 4 years old. It is really big and beautiful. My dog likes running, jumping and playing with me. I throw a ball and Ders brings it to me back. I really love my dog very much.
My gold fish is small. It is yellow and orange. It enjoys playing with other fish. My fish eats food for fish. It doesn`t like darkness. It is only 5 months. (Ей 5 всего месяцев)
I like all my pets but I would like to have a hamster too. 
Привет. Я очень люблю животных. У меня есть три домашних животных дома. Это: кошка, собака и золотая рыбка.Имя моей кошки Мурка. Ей два года. Она  серая с белым. Ее глаза зеленые, а нос розовый. Её хвост длинный. Мурка часто играет с игрушечной мышкой. Кошка любит мясо и рыбу.У меня есть большая собака. Его зовут Дерс. Дерсу 4 года. Он действительно большой и красивый. Моя собака любит бегать, прыгать и играть со мной. Я бросаю мяч и Дерс приносит его мне обратно. Я действительно очень люблю свою собаку.Моя Золотая рыбка маленькая. Она желто-оранжевая. Она любит играть с другими рыбками. Мои рыбки едят корм для рыб. Они не любят темноту. Моей любимой рыбке всего 5 месяцев.Мне нравятся все мои животные, но я хотел бы ещё иметь хомячка.

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Кто чем сможет! 1. fill in the gaps with one of the four options below. dugongs: mermaids or danger? long ago, sailors returning home from their sea voyages (1) tales of wild monsters and beautiful mermaids – creatures who were half women, half fish. today most scientists believe the myth of mermaids was inspired by a marine mammal (2) the dugong. the name of the scientific order to which they belong – sirenia – was taken from the word “siren”. a siren is an imaginary sea creature that (3) a woman. sailors believed a siren’s song (4) anyone hearing it to jump overboard and possibly drown. in reality, dugongs are far from dangerous. dugongs eat sea grass that grows in shallow water along coastlines in (5) pacific and indian oceans. their feeding style gives dugongs their more common nickname: sea cow. 1. a) said b) spoke c) talked d) told 2. a) called b) call c) calls d) was called 3. is looking like b) looks c) looks like d) looks at 4. a) would cause b) caused c) cause d) will cause 5 a) a b)- c) the d) an 2. read the text below and look carefully at each line. three of the lines are correct, and the others have a word which should not be there. put a tick () if the line is correct or write down the odd word. • the first is done for you. it just happened on one day. we woke up and everything was purple: 1. the people, the animals, everything you could see, even the sea and the sky. 2. we looked in the amazement. were we dreaming? was everything really 3. purple? at first it seemed strange, then it seemed funny, even the king 4. and queen were purple, but no one could explain what had happened. although 5. the scientists did tests and argued about the results for months, they couldn’t 6. find the answer to the mystery. as time went by it was got boring in our purple 7. world. we had sat down to eat our purple food, looking at the purple faces 8. across the table. at the school, our purple teacher taught a class of purple 9. children, who has came to school on their purple bikes. one day we saw a 10. strange bird – it was yellow, so yellow it hurt our eyes. we were all so been used to violet. 11. the bird flew down to rest on a tree and the tree turned back on to its old 12. colour with the green leaves. slowly the grass under the tree became green again.
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