
Three early civilizations. a young boy takes his place in a row of school benches. the time is about 5, 000 years ago, and a school day is beginning. the boy picks up a writing tablet that is made of clay. he looks at the lesson that his teacher has prepared. the boys use a pointed stick to copy symbols onto the tablet. you are now in the classroom in 2011. pens, pencils, and paper have replaced sticks and clay tablets. today we learn about our past from books, journals, diaries, letters. we learn about our times from newspapers and magazines. what is the link between you and the boy in ancient times? what makes it possible to read about a student in 3, 000 b.c. and about the last match of your favourite team? writing is what makes it possible. many historians believe that the sumerians developed the first system of writing. the student who marked his tablet ages ago belonged to the civilization that gave us the art of writing. sumerians, egyptians and phoenicians were the three ancient peoples that were the first to live in cities; to set up governments to share their ideas in writing. what 3 things did early civilizations have the first? выберите один ответ: letters, tablets, books cities, governments, writing pencils, pens, paper

Английский язык


Третий вариант: pencils, pens, paper.
Когда я в зоопарке, что я вижу?
Много смешных животных смотрят на меня.
Я вижу длинного жирафа, который кушает с дерева.
Я вижу глупых мартышек, которые смеются надо мной.
Я вижу умного дельфина, который плавает в морской воде.
Я вижу тюленя, он хлопает раз, два, три!
Я вижу ленивую ящерицу сидящую на солнце.
Я вижу большого кита, который веселится.
Я вижу детеныша бегемота, который учится бегать.
И одного крокодила, который просто плачет!
[ dʒɪˈrɑːf ] - жираф
[ ˈmʌŋ.ki ] - обезьяна
[ ˈdɒl.fɪn ] - дельфин
[ siːl ] - тюлень
[ ˈlɪz.əd ] - ящерица
[ weɪl ] -кит
[ ˈhɪpəʊ ] - бегемот
[ ˈkrɒk.ə.daɪl ] - крокодил
Ли́пецк — город (с 1779) в россии, административный центр липецкой области. является ядром крупнейшей российской агломерации со специализацией в сфере чёрной металлургии полного цикла[6], промышленный, агротехнологический и авиационный центр, курорт. население — 510 439 чел. (2017). расстояние до москвы 450 км, до воронежа — 132 км. липецк — один из крупнейших и второй по численности населения город в черноземье, пятый в центральном федеральном округе и тридцать шестой в россии. расположен на реке воронеж в лесостепной зоне на стыке возвышенности и окско-донской равнины. lipetsk is a city (since 1779) in russia, the administrative center of the lipetsk region. it is the core of the largest russian agglomeration with specialization in the field of ferrous metallurgy full cycle [6], industrial, agrotechnological and aviation center, resort. the population is 510 439 people. (2017). the distance to moscow is 450 km, to voronezh - 132 km. lipetsk is one of the largest and second largest cities in the black earth region, the fifth in the central federal district and the 36th in russia. located on the voronezh river in the forest-steppe zone at the junction of the central russian upland and the oka-don plain.

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Three early civilizations. a young boy takes his place in a row of school benches. the time is about 5, 000 years ago, and a school day is beginning. the boy picks up a writing tablet that is made of clay. he looks at the lesson that his teacher has prepared. the boys use a pointed stick to copy symbols onto the tablet. you are now in the classroom in 2011. pens, pencils, and paper have replaced sticks and clay tablets. today we learn about our past from books, journals, diaries, letters. we learn about our times from newspapers and magazines. what is the link between you and the boy in ancient times? what makes it possible to read about a student in 3, 000 b.c. and about the last match of your favourite team? writing is what makes it possible. many historians believe that the sumerians developed the first system of writing. the student who marked his tablet ages ago belonged to the civilization that gave us the art of writing. sumerians, egyptians and phoenicians were the three ancient peoples that were the first to live in cities; to set up governments to share their ideas in writing. what 3 things did early civilizations have the first? выберите один ответ: letters, tablets, books cities, governments, writing pencils, pens, paper
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