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По тексту - выписать из текста эквиваленты данных слов и словосочетаний: a/ new zealand new zealand is an independent state. it has the territory of 269, 000 square kilometers. it is situated to the south-east from australia. nearly 3, 5 million people live in this country. wellington has been the capital of new zealand since 1865. the official language is english. the climate of the country is moist. new zealand is rich in minerals and has many developed industries. there are many mountains in the country - the highest is mount cook (12, 349 feet high the longest rivers are the waikato and the wairu. you have heard about native animals of new zealand. one of them is the kiwi. this interesting bird can't fly, it lives in the bushes and goes out for food only at night. now the kiwi is the symbol of new zealand. new zealand parliament consists of one house - the house of representatives. prime-minister is the head of the government. the biggest cities of the country are - wellington, dunedin, auckland, nelson. there are many plants of heavy industry in new zealand. paper and rubber industries are also developed. new zealand exports apples and honey. it is a very interesting and beautiful country. независимое государство- к северо-востоку - официальный язык - влажный климат - богата минералами - национальные животные - живет в кустах - символ новой зеландии палата представитeльства глава правительства- тяжелая промышленность - резина - мед- красивая страна - парламент -