1. Mary helped me to do (можно: doing) my history project. - Мария мне сделать мой проект по истории.
2. My feeling is that you should stay at home tonight. - У меня такое ощущение, что тебе бы лучше остаться дома сегодня вечером.
3. You are really sweaty. Have you been running? - Ты такой вспотевший. Ты бегал?
4. As soon as I get home, I'll phone you. - Как только я вернусь домой, я позвоню тебе.
5. It was Mark who came up with the idea of having a barbecue on the beach. - Это Марк, который пришел с идеей приготовить барбекю на пляже.
6. There was someone (можно: somebody - если они примерно знают, кто это может быть) in the hunted house. - Кто-то был в охотничьем домике.
7. Unfortunately, I'm on a school trip. If I were at home, I could help you with your English homework.- К сожалению, я был на школьной экскурсии. Если бы я был дома, я бы тебе с домашним заданием по английскому языку.
8. I haven't played chess for ages. - Я сто лет не играл в шахматы.
9. I can't swim underwater. - Nor can I. - Я не умею плавать под водой. Я тоже.
10. My room looks awful. It hasn't been painted for five years.- Моя комната выглядит ужасно.
В ней не меняли обои уже пять лет.
-What's your favourite TV programme?
- my favourite Tv programme is "VOICE"
-why do you like it?
-I like to sing and I like listening how other people sing. It is interesting! What about you?
-I don't like it. it is boring I think.
-And what is you favourite programme?
-I like sport and I like sport programme.
-What sport do you llike?
-Most of all I like skiing and footballmatch. It is exсiting!
-What about different TV show?
-I like some of them -"Intuition" or "10millions" What about you?
-I like it too.
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Choose the appropriate article . he had broken the law before the police officer arrived . there was no evidence . that was true dishonesty