- Hello, it's almost time for summer. Have you already thought where to spend your vacation?
- Yes, my parents suggested that I go to the sea.
- Wow! And where to? Abroad or in Russia?
- To Turkey. There I will learn English and some other language. I’ll come and speak with you in Turkish! Where are you going?
- I will be with my grandmother in the summer.
- Yes, there is boring! What are you going to do there?
- With friends for a walk, eat berries, ride a bike! Come if you want.
- Well, it will be fun!
Перевод на русский:- Привет, уже почти наступила летняя пора. Ты уже думал, где проведешь свой отдых?
- Да, мне родители предложили поехать на море.
- Ух, ты! А куда? Заграницу или в Росии?
- В Турцию. Там я буду учить английский и еще какой-нибудь язык. Вот приеду, заговорю с тобой на турецком! А ты куда собираешься?
- Я летом у бабушки буду.
- Да там же скучно! Что ты там делать будешь?
- С друзьями гулять, ягоды кушать, на велосипеде кататься! Если хочешь, приезжай.
- Хорошо, будет весело!
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A childless woman, on the advice of a sorceress, raised a girl out of a grain of a tulip an inch tall - Thumbelina. Cradle for her was a nut shell, a boat - a petal of a tulip in a dish with water and flowers, where the girl sailed and sang. One night she was stolen by a toad to make her a bride for her ugly son.
Thumbelina burst into tears from the fact that she considered herself ugly, although in fact she was very pretty. In winter, the girl left the forest and made her way to the mink of the field mouse. She warmed and fed the poor thing, left her at home and advised her to marry a rich mole. In the meantime, the mole was already begging for Thumbelina, and everyone was preparing for the wedding. In the autumn, the dowry was ready, and the girl's words that she did not want to marry a mole threatened her mouse with her teeth. The bird again offered to fly away - and this time Thumbelina did not refuse. In the warm edge of the swallow, she planted a girlfriend in a flower where the king of elves sat. He proposed to the beautiful woman; the wedding gave her a pair of beautiful wings.