Юлия Соколовская1568

)) 1) wash your hands! they're 2) this box is can you help me lift it, please.? 3) is it to your school? no, it's only three minutes from here. 4) this dictionary isn't very i can't find the word 'platinum'. 5) i got 97% in the science test. it was 6) our dog is ill. it's legs are and it can't walk. 7) i love this film. it's very 8) i can't hear you! it's very

Английский язык


1. dirty

2. heavy

3. far

4. common

5. easy

6. weak

7. exciting

8. noisy

It was December 31, 2019. My brother and I decided to catch Santa Claus. Naturally, we first ate a festive dinner, then went outside to launch fireworks. This was beautiful.

Then we went home and started ambushing. We needed to install an alarm that would definitely go off! In general, I tied Sasha's leg to the door handle with a rope. Finally, we closed the door and went to bed. After 3 hours we woke up and found gifts. I also discovered that this bastard didn't wake up when the door opened. It was an epic story.


1. а) Они все еще спорят. they are still arguing 

Ъ) Они спорят уже два часа.  they have already been arguing for 2 hours

 2. а) Она еще спит. she is still sleeping

Ь) Она спит уже два часа. she has already been sleeping for 2 hours

3. а) Он еще делает уроки. he is still doing his homework

Ь) Он делает уроки уже три часа. he's already been doing his homework for 3 hours

 4. а) Мальчики все еще играют в футбол. The boys are still playing football

Ь) Они играют в футбол уже сорок минут.They have already been playing football for 40 minutes

5. а) Девочки еще переодеваются.The girls are still changing their clothes (dressing up)

Ь) Они переодеваются уже полчаса.  They have already been changing their clothes (dressing up) for half and hour

6. а) Она все еще изучает испанский язык. she is still studying the Spanish language

Ь) Она уже два года изучает испанский язык. She has already been studying the Spanish language for 2 years

7. а) Они все еще живут на даче. They are still living in the summer cottage

Ь) Они уже четыре месяца живут на даче. They have already been living in the summer cottage for 4 months

8. а) Она все еще разговаривает по телефону. she's still been talking on the phone

Ь) Она разговаривает по телефону уже двад­цать минут. She's already been talking on the phone for 20 minutes

9. а) Мой брат все еще решает эту трудную за­дачу. My brother is still solving this complicated problem

Ь) Он решает эту задачу уже полчаса. He's already been solving this complicated problem for half an hour

10. а) Она все еще пишет письмо бабушке. She's still writing a letter to her grandmother

Ь) Она уже целый час пишет это письмо. She's already been writing this letter for an hour

И. а) Они все еще ловят рыбу. They are still fishing

Ь) Они ловят рыбу уже пять часов. They have already been fishing for 5 hours

12. а) Дедушка и бабушка все еще играют в лото. Grandfather and grandmother are still playing lotto

Ь) Они играют в лото уже два часа. They have already been playing lotto for 2 hours

13. а) Артисты все еще репетируют эту сцену. The actors are still rehearsing this scence

Ь) Они репетируют эту сцену уже три часа. They have already been rehearsing this scence for 3 hours

14. а) Дети все еще бегают во дворе. The children are still running in the garden

Ь) Они уже три часа бегают во дворе. They have already been running in the garden for 3 hours

15. а) Он все еще пишет свою новую книгу. He's still writing his new book

Ь) Он пишет свою новую книгу уже два года. He's already been writing his new book for 2 years 

16. а) Он все еще учит монолог Гамлета. He's still learning the Hamlet's monologue

Ь) Он учит монолог Гамлета уже два дня. He's already been learning  the Hamlet's monologue for 2 days

17. а) Мы все еще ремонтируем нашу квартиру. We are still repairing our flat

Ь) Мы ремонтируем нашу квартиру уже пол­месяца We've already been repairing our flat for half a month

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)) 1) wash your hands! they're 2) this box is can you help me lift it, please.? 3) is it to your school? no, it's only three minutes from here. 4) this dictionary isn't very i can't find the word 'platinum'. 5) i got 97% in the science test. it was 6) our dog is ill. it's legs are and it can't walk. 7) i love this film. it's very 8) i can't hear you! it's very
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