
Нужен краткий пересказ на языке peter's holiday mr and mrs grey live in a big city. mr greyworked in a bank and spent a lot of time atwork. mrs grey was fond of music and art. the grace had a son whose name waspeter. peter was good at all the subjects atschool but didn't like to wash. he hatedwater. mr and mrs grey wanted to spend thesummer in the country. they found a nicesmall house but not very far from mrgrey's office. mrs. grey and peter went there oneweekend at the beginning of june. latermr grey wanted to join them. peter andhis mother went there for two weeks. itwas late in the evening when they arrivedat the house. mrs. grey said to peter -we're going to stay here for fourteen days. the boy ran into the house, turned on thelight and looked into all the rooms. he sawa nice kitchen with a white fridge, twocupboards, a cooker and a sink. there wasgas and electricity in the house. peter alsosaw a vacuum cleaner in the corner. thesitting room with a tall mirror and awonderful fireplace was fantastic. youcould play football there. peter ran back to his mother and shouted- mummy. it's great. but i haven't found abathroom. where is it? - it's very difficult to get water here. - hismother answered. and there's no cold and hot running waterhere. - it's very good, mother. - peter said. thatis going to be a very nice holiday indeed. true, false or not stated the greys lived in a small town. mrs grey could play the piano very well. the greys decided to spend two weeksin the country mrs grey and her son arrived at thecountry house at ten o'clock in theevening. peter liked the fireplace in the newhouse most of all. peter was happy that there was nobathroom in the country house.

Английский язык


MRS,MR Grey live in city.Mr greg work in bank.Mrs love a music and art.They have got a son-Peter.He love a subjects.Family spend summer in country.
А дальше не знаю

1) Our house was painted by us last week.

1) A lot of houses have been ruined by the storm in the village.

2) The course paper is being done by students at the moment.

3) The salad is made with eggs, onions and mayonaise.

4) The door will be closed by the guard after the lesson.

5) The TV was being watched at 6 p.m. at home.

6) The letter can be written tomorrow.

7) A man was seen running out of the bank.

8) The postcards haven't been written yet .

9) Our car will be repaired on Saturday.

10) Had the pizza been ordered?

11) Our furniture won't be delivered until Monday.


I. 1. 1) If my brother is in trouble, I will help him, of course.

     2) If my brother was in trouble, I would help him, of course.

     3) If my brother had been in trouble, I would have helped him, of course.

  2. 1) If you don't work systematically, you will fail at the examination.

     2) If you didn't work systematically, you would fail at the examination.

     3) If you had not worked systematically, you would have failed at the examination.

  3. 1) If my brother returns carly, we will watch TV together.

      2) If my brother returned carly, we would watch TV together.

     3) If my brother had returned carly, we would have watched TV together.

II. Перше не розумію, гумова промисловість (каучукова), транзистор-тестер, система контролю, пульт керування, настройки часу і потужності

III.  1. Загальна форма квадратного рівняння така: ...

    2. Бетон слід розміщувати у формах.

    3. Тепло - це форма енергії.


Підземні та поверхневі води глибокі і стікають до нижчих рівнів, поки зрештою не досягнуть моря. Зазвичай вони перевантажені мінералами в розчині або суспензії, під час течії як поверхневі води вони можуть штовхати більш важкі скелі по дну потоку. Вся ця чужорідна речовина залишається в морі. В результаті тепла від сонця вода випаровується у водяну пару, яка проноситься повітряними течіями на сотні і тисячі миль, поки хмари не утворюються при конденсації водяної пари         крихітні пилові частинки і порушення викликають осідання ???. Вода, що падає, переходить над землею в море, тим самим повторюючи кругообіг.

V. Дворянин, радіоактивність, точка зору, внук (внучка), пароплав, амперметр, магнітограф, під (вниз), землетрус, морське дно, дощова вода

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Нужен краткий пересказ на языке peter's holiday mr and mrs grey live in a big city. mr greyworked in a bank and spent a lot of time atwork. mrs grey was fond of music and art. the grace had a son whose name waspeter. peter was good at all the subjects atschool but didn't like to wash. he hatedwater. mr and mrs grey wanted to spend thesummer in the country. they found a nicesmall house but not very far from mrgrey's office. mrs. grey and peter went there oneweekend at the beginning of june. latermr grey wanted to join them. peter andhis mother went there for two weeks. itwas late in the evening when they arrivedat the house. mrs. grey said to peter -we're going to stay here for fourteen days. the boy ran into the house, turned on thelight and looked into all the rooms. he sawa nice kitchen with a white fridge, twocupboards, a cooker and a sink. there wasgas and electricity in the house. peter alsosaw a vacuum cleaner in the corner. thesitting room with a tall mirror and awonderful fireplace was fantastic. youcould play football there. peter ran back to his mother and shouted- mummy. it's great. but i haven't found abathroom. where is it? - it's very difficult to get water here. - hismother answered. and there's no cold and hot running waterhere. - it's very good, mother. - peter said. thatis going to be a very nice holiday indeed. true, false or not stated the greys lived in a small town. mrs grey could play the piano very well. the greys decided to spend two weeksin the country mrs grey and her son arrived at thecountry house at ten o'clock in theevening. peter liked the fireplace in the newhouse most of all. peter was happy that there was nobathroom in the country house.
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