
35 ! напишите 8-12 предложений о климате испании на

Английский язык


Despite the fact that the Iberian Peninsula is almost completely surrounded by the sea, in the central part of it the influence of water masses on climatic conditions is coming to naught. Mountain ranges, stretching practically along the entire coastline, protect the inner part of the peninsula from external influences. Almost throughout Spain (with the exception of mountain regions), the average monthly temperature is positive. The coldest period is from December to February, the warmest is from June to September.
In general, the country is dominated by a subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type, although in its pure form it can be ascertained only on the south-eastern coast of Spain (Andalusia and Extremadura). On all coast of Mediterranean sea soft and short winter and a dry and hot summer. On the east coast of the country in the period from December to February the average minimum air temperature is +5: +8, the average maximum is +12: +17. In the period from June to September the average minimum temperature is +16: +21, the average maximum +25: +30.


1 a (increase - увеличить)

2 b (save - сохранить, экономить)

4 а (reduce - уменшить)

5 а (provide - обеспечить, снабжать, подготавливать)

6 b (power - питать энергией, обеспечить энергией)


2 Last year, they provided a bus to the festival for visitors who couldn't afford a taxi.

В году они обеспечили автобус для посетителей фестиваля, которые не могли позволить себе такси.

3 We are developing a solar energy park to power 20, 000 homes.

Мы разрабатываем/создаем парк солнечной энергии, чтобы обеспечить энергией 20000 домов.


Dear Mandy*,

I want to tell you about my school, my class and my favorite subjects. First of all, I'm going to tell you about my class.  My class is very fun.** Sometimes we go camping together; there we play and have fun. Soon we will go to Chertanovo, I think it's going to be an interesting trip. And now I'm going to tell you about my favorite subjects. I like litrature and biology the most. I never get bored on litrature or biology lessons. And I don't like geometry and algebra because I'm not good at mathematics.*** I just really don't like math lessons. But most of all I hate georaphy, because it's always boring in the georaphy class and we often have tests. But in general, we have a good school. We also hold concerts and sometimes play games, like for example, running and answering the questions. I really do like my school. And what's your favorite subjects? Do you like your school? Tell me more about it, I will wait for your reply :) 

See you!
* Я начала письмо с Dear xyz потому, что если ты пишешь письмо в офф. стиле, то письмо следует начинать таким образом. Но если ты пишешь своему другу, скажем, электронное письмо, то проще будет начать письмо с простого Hi, Mandy! ну или Hey, Mandy!

** They are (very) fun - это неформальное выражение, но на экзамене такое вроде прощают.

*** Заметь, я немного изменила текст, и получается вот такой перевод: "И мне не нравится геометрия и алгебра, потому что я не очень разбираюсь в математике". Как тебе?

У меня есть привычка заканчивать письма с фразами типа "See you!" или "Until the next time", хотя всегда можно воспользоваться простым "Bye!".

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