
To write declarative and 20 interrogative sentences

Английский язык


Our dog eats any old thing.
Our dog won’t just eat any old thing.
The dog has already been fed.
The dog hasn’t been fed yet.
We have already won several races.
We haven’t won any races yet.

Does your dog eat any old thing?
Has the dog already been fed?
Hasn’t the dog been fed yet?
Have you won any races yet?
Haven’t you won any races yet?

Who won the race?
Which team was it?

You’re telling me he has a new car? I don’t believe it.
It’s raining again?
Eat up quickly. We have to go!
Leave me alone.
On your marks, get set … go!interrogative.
Would you feed the dog, please.
Would you mind shutting the door.
Could I have that now, thank you.

Our dog eats any old thing.

Our dog won’t just eat any old thing.

The dog has already been fed.

The dog hasn’t been fed yet.

We have already won several races.

We haven’t won any races yet.

Does your dog eat any old thing?

Has the dog already been fed?

Hasn’t the dog been fed yet?

Have you won any races yet?

Haven’t you won any races yet?

Who won the race?

Which team was it?

You’re telling me he has a new car? I don’t believe it.

It’s raining again?

Eat up quickly. We have to go!

Leave me alone.

On your marks, get set … go!interrogative.

Would you feed the dog, please.

Would you mind shutting the door.

Could I have that now, thank you.


— Я знаю, что домашние задания необходимы для нашего благополучия, и я сделал это, но я подрался с какой-то ребенок по пути в школу и бросил ее в сточную канаву.

— Моя собака перегрызла его.

— Я не знаю, мы договаривались это сделать.

— Я заснул в метро, потому что я не спал всю ночь делать домашку, так что когда он остановился на моей станции я вбежал через дверь, чтобы не опоздать и оставил его на сиденье в метро.

— Я сделал это, но оставил его дома по ошибке.

— Ребенок пролил молоко на нем.

— Мой брат взял "мой" вместо "домашнее задание".

— Страница пропала из моей книги.

— Я потерял мою книгу и нашел ее.

— Нет места в моем доме теперь мой дядя переехал и мне пришлось спать в зале и не могла использовать кухонный стол.

— Кто-то украл его.

— Каким заданием?
I’m fond of reading. Most of all I like adventure novels. My favourite book is “The Mysterious Island” by Jules Verne. You can find much necessary, useful and valuable information in the book. This novel proved us that human can survive in any conditions. Each character is interesting. Cyrus Smith was well-informed. His mind, purposefulness and patience helped colonists to survive. Thank to their persistence they achieved prosperity on a desert island. They could grow rich harvest of wheat from the only seed, build a mill, increase poultry, handle a monkey and build a boat. After the example of Ayrton we see that any criminal can reform. In the novel Jules Verne wanted to prove that people are strong if they are united.

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To write declarative and 20 interrogative sentences
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